Caliber of high school?

It seems like a lot of people are aware of what there high school is ranked in their state. I know this is an important consideration for adcoms and was wondering how to find out my schools rank? Also, kinda related, I live in Arizona, do you think it is advantageous to be from an academically weak state and if so how much does this matter?

<p>I'm not really sure where you could find out about this but in the college app process (which I thankfully just survived through) it is most important to come off as a strong applicant yourself. Colleges will be able to see what sorts of enviornments you come from and see whether or not you've taken all the great chances that you were offered. Ex. if you come from a not that great academically area but you work really hard/take all the opportunities that you're offered, that will still count in your favor. It's also easier to stand out. Likewise, if you come from a school that has a ton of students accepeted to top college each year, but you don't really work hard at all, that does not count in your favor.</p>

<p>An unbelieveable number of kids report going to "top" high schools. Most are probably just reporting the hype they get at their schools. </p>

<p>The important thing is to do within the context of your school. To take the hardest program possible. Coming form a smaller state or one without great schools can be a small tip factor at some schools, less likely to be so and big name schools that get many applicants from all over. Being from Arizone may help at a small Southern school for example.</p>