<p>has anyone noticed what the CSU chancellor is up to?</p>
<p>he has begun a series of economic impact conferences all over the CSU system. the first one as i understand was at Fresno State and highlighted the system's top agriculture programs which are at the Cal Polys, SLO and Pomona and Fresno.</p>
<p>the second one was at Cal State LA and looked at the Entertainment industry.
the best programs in R/TV/Film are at SF State, San Diego State, Northridge and Fullerton, and Cal Poly Pomona is leading an Entertainment Business program.</p>
<p>next comes the hospitality industry, hosted by Cal Poly Pomona which is one of the top programs in the nation. SF State also strong here.</p>
<p>later comes computer engineering at San Jose State University and again the Cal Poly campuses will be among the leaders.</p>
<p>all of these are open to the public. a great place for people in the state to see some great academic programs.</p>