<p>My S started an application to USNA. He then thought perhaps he was not really interested, so he did not complete it. In addition he did not apply for nominations from a MOC, either.
Last week, he received two calls (the first he received, the second I answered because he was at practice) asking why he was no longer interested in attending USNA. The admissions counselor encouraged to have him complete his application. Was informed that it would be better for him to have USNA as an option, than to not complete it and not have it as an option.<br>
What is a "direct in"?
I mentioned that he had not sought a MOC nomination once he thought he was no longer interested. They have ways to work around that?
He is interested in completing everything and has been working hard to do so.
My question is, Is this normal? I would have thought that if an applicant did not complete everything, they would just close the application and not consider the applicant.</p>
<p>Depending upon his High School Grade (Assuming Senior) MOC Nominations are closed.
Don’t know what a “direct in” is. Never heard of it but that does not mean it does not exist.
Can’t “Work around a Nomination”. You either have one or you don’t.
Option for what?</p>
<p>I know I followup on my assigned candidates if I do not see their application moving. In previous years there was a card sent in the candidate packet that one sent back in if they were no longer interested in attending the academy; it is my understanding that has given way to BGOs entering a withdrawal on the candidates file. I know I have made follow-up calls the past few months to inquire as to the intent of the candidate…</p>
<p>I am not sure who called your son- if it was his BGO or if it was someone from the admissions office following up on the status of his application. What I can say is that if your son is, indeed, interested in attending the USNA, he needs to get his application completed and in. </p>
<p>“direct in”… not sure what context it was mentioned in…
direct in could mean a “direct appointment,” meaning straight in from high school (which 2/3 are)</p>
<p>Other than that, I can only spectulate on what “direct in” would mean.</p>
he will need one, bottom line. But if he is, indeed, someone the academy is interested in, nominations may still be available through other sources, including the Superintendent of the Academy.</p>
<p>Some mids have been assigned to make telephone calls to applicants this week. If a BGO has not "NR"d his/her student [what is supposed to be done if an applicant does not complete the application or does not reqpond to inquiries], then I can see where a mid might be assigned to contact the applicant to determine interest. This would be a call from the “admissions office.”
I can also see where a mid might not be coached appropriately or may not know how to deal w/ certain circumstances or, in a burst of enthusiasm, suggest that there are ways to “work around” lack of a nomination. Or, for example, confusing the selection from the “national pool” as a “work around.”</p>
<p>There are many possible points of confusion throughout the process.</p>
<p>As has been noted, the information provided in the question, has many possibilities for confusion on this forum, even if it was crystal clear. No need to beat that horse anymore. </p>
<p>The short answer is no one knows the answer here to a question(s) that are clearly unclear.</p>
<p>One note: If your S is among the special target group(s) which USNA is, well targeting for appointment and admission …that’s a different game altogether. The rules aren’t necessarily the rules. Good luck. Keep us posted.</p>
<p>My son’s case was a little different than yours but none the less he did receive calls and a visit from USNA reginal director to our home. Unlike your S, my S completed his applications to all 3 academies and received LOAs to all of them. But when he was applying for nominaitons to our senators and rep, they asked that he only choose 1 academy so my S listed WP as his first choice on all 3 sources since it was his first choice. Son received his first nomination from our senator to WP so he was set. Than S received emails & calls from USNA reginal director. When my S told the RD that he only received nominations to WP and is pretty sure he’s going to accept the appointment, RD wanted to fly out from Annapolis to meet with all of us.</p>
<p>Well, to make a long story short, S did end up receiving a nomination to USNA and will probably do a CVW soon. When the RD visited us, he did mentioned that if S didn’t receive a nom but is still interested in USNA, they’ll find a way for him.</p>
<p>Wow… and I thought that The Navy was convoluted with too many acronyms.</p>
<p>Is it too difficult to type out “Son?” Just wondering.</p>
<p>not difficult, just faster to type the S</p>