Calling all EA applicants..

<p>Are any of you getting mailings from Binghamton that you already got when you applied EA?</p>

<p>I got a letter the other day thanking me for my visit which I did in like October.
I have gotten about 3 emails in the past week saying thanks for my application.
And today I got a letter saying thanks for my application.</p>

<p>I have received absolutely nothing from Binghamton after applying EA, but I was accepted.</p>

<p>same here markopolo. sean, did you here back from BU on whether or not you were accepted? if not I’d def. contact admissions.</p>

<p>another who was accepted EA and I have received nothing more from them. Give a call</p>

<p>Oops…I forgot to mention I was deferred and should have title the thread appropriately. Thanks for the replies though guys!</p>