<p>I go to gigantic high school (1498 seniors) with 99 IB juniors...we complain about it so much but there's no denying how awesome it's still been. I think I'll be happier graduating this than high school hahaha</p>
<p>Who else is an IB student on CC? :)</p>
<p>We have about 2000 kids with 122 IB Seniors. Just finished my exams last week and tomorrow is the last day before regular exams - just going to stop by to say bye, sign yearbooks, etc. </p>
<p>IB DONE! 
But I’m anxiously awaiting July 6 when they release scores…</p>
<p>Btw, what classes are you taking?</p>
<p>I’m a junior, and we have 1600 kids with 74 IB juniors…took my first IB tests a couple weeks ago, and I’m terrified for scores being released…</p>
<p>wow, my school is so much smaller, 300ish students and 29 IB students</p>
<p>I really did like the program though. I don’t even care too much about scores, english because it’s the only credit that I’ll actually be able to really use and math for my own personal goal I’d like a high score. Getting the diploma would be cool though, like just something nice to have.</p>
<p>what is this IB program? i think only 2 schools have it in Dallas…</p>
<p>what does passing these tests get you?</p>
<p>Passing tests(Generally with scores of 4-7), get you college credit like AP. Sometimes getting the IB Diploma can grant you sophomore standing.</p>
<p>I’m an IB sophomore going to be an IB Junior next year.
It’s crazy easy.</p>
<p>is this better than AP?</p>
<p>It’s debatable. Some say AP is more concentrated and less restrictive, and IB is more restrictive and general, and produces more well-rounded students.</p>
<p>Personally, both have their pros and cons, and I love both.</p>
<p>my school has maybe 2500 kids and about half are in ib. i’ll be a senior next year and luckily only have 5 ib classes, one ap, and band. </p>
<p>MIThopeful- junior year gets hard. your mileage may vary depending on classes you’re taking, but trust me, sophomore year has by far been the easiest for me, junior the roughest. </p>
<p>AP is better in that you can decide not to take an AP class if you’re very weak in a subject, but IB does the same thing, just in a roundabout way. for instance, i suck at science, but i HAD to take one junior year so i chose environmental systems (a one year course) and have no science next year! AP is more content-based, IB likes to combine disciplines and connect everything. for example, on my environmental exam we had to write an essay (or at least i chose one of four topics) about factors effecting population dynamics in a named region. the AP enviro exam asks for what percentage of the atmosphere is nitrogen, etc/</p>
<p>With 4 HLs, 2 I know everything about, I can live next year. SLs are our friends. TOK I heard is cool.</p>
<p>ToK is annoying. I mean, it’s kinda just stating obvious facts and theories about knowledge but I guess it helps in how you write essays later on? I don’t know, it was okay, the oral is a lot of fun to do.</p>
<p>My TOK teacher was an interesting person to talk to outside of class but his class was basically reading the TOK for the IB Diploma book, which would trigger discussions sometimes (these were interesting), with some orals peppered throughout. He would mention some interesting stuff and I wish he did more of this than reading. I agree I enjoyed doing the orals and I LOVED writing my TOK essay and I think I did well on it. :)</p>
<p>Whether IB or AP is better completely depends on the person. In my experience IB is something that does not suit everyone; you’ll either hate it or love it. I think it was a really good fit for me, but I can’t say that for everyone.</p>
<p>@espresso: my courselist this year was Calc SL (HL was closed, and only available in 0 hour and I did NOT want to take calc first thing in the morning), English HL, Bio HL, WAS HL, JROTC (not IB lol) and then TOK :)</p>
<p>At our schools the AP and IB curricula are similar, but IB ends up doing a lot more work and colleges do recognize the EE, World Lits, and IA’s that we’re subjected to that AP students are not. IB is good for the person that’s good at everything, AP is good for the person that’s GREAT at a certain number of things. None is better than the other, though the IB Diploma’s a bit shinier. My bias is leaping out of the page, I know :)</p>
<p>Everybody gives TOK such smack about being blowoff, but I did enjoy it. Personally I wasn’t well versed in philosophy (I knew existentialism, socrates, the basics) so it was enlightening to me. It reinforces and states things that may be common sense but are good to know consciously (and now I’m talking like I’m in that class hahaha).</p>
<p>Oh and MIThopeful16 - somebody two years ago at my school got a 5 or a 6 on a HL French exam…and he only had to take one more course at UT to automatically minor in it.
sweet deal.</p>
<p>I guess that’s the most annoying thing about ToK is that you end up talking like you’re in that class, while you’re not. I like some philosophy, I think it helped me out in my paper 1 on Metamorphosis since I did it as compared to existentialism, or meant to be an existentialist piece.</p>
<p>But it was annoying when you’re history teacher would bring up fallacies.</p>
<p>I also can’t honestly say I care for discussing philosophy or psychology in classes. I mean, maybe just randomly with friends (usually drinking) but it seems so forced in a class.</p>
<p>dang. I have to take SL Spanish V, but I know I can do well enough in the language to get a 7. English on the other hand, I am hoping for a 6. I HATE english. Math is the hardest I’ve heard, but I believe I’ll be that rare 7,</p>
<p>English is surprisingly easy, I really liked it. Just, analyze and stay away from that poetry section and hope you don’t pull out a poem for your oral (but even than as long as you know literary elements you’ll still be fine). But also I just hate poems usually. But the readings and prose aren’t bad at all, sparknotes is your friend if all else fails. Spanish HL is crazy easy to do well in but I think we all had to take the B instead of A. Either way you’ll be fine. And just make sure to always just show proof in math and don’t over think it, when in doubt write an equation and plug in numbers because that still gets you points, oh and really work on your IA because it’s fun once you get into it and there’s no reason to get a bad IA grade.</p>
<p>@lucky2010: For TOK, I see what you mean about forced-ness. But I was lucky, and my TOK teacher is a lovely and engaging lady that made everything just wonderful.
And whaaat, stay away from poems?! I was super excited to get one hahaha!</p>
<p>@MIThopeful16: I’ll forever be in admiration of you should you obtain that 7.</p>
<p>I’m gonna work hard for it. The HL math teacher was my 9th grade myp geom teacher. FREAKING GENIUS.</p>
<p>I wish we had English SL here.</p>
<p>For some reason, I remember all things I learn in Math.</p>
<p>people don’t get 7s at my school. at least not on HLs. I don’t think we have a very good program
do any of you know if there’s any reason colleges would want to see predicted scores?</p>