Receiving IB "Diploma"?

The IB exam results are in today. I couldn’t find the answer on Google, but for those who passed all the requirements, do they receive an ACTUAL physical diploma like high school diploma or is it just a “record diploma” somewhere that merely proves that you’ve received it?

My daughter was told if she stops by her high school in September they will have a physical diploma from IBO for her.

Oh and congratulations. I feel like these kids just finished a marathon.

Congratulations! It’s a big accomplishment.

Thanks, @VickiSoCal, @gardenstategal. Yes, congratulations to all who went through this during the craziest time of their high school years!

I actually got a phone call from the high school principal today, congratulating my son and telling us to go out and celebrate S17’s IB diploma. S17 was one of two in his graduating class of 150-ish to complete the IB diploma requirements, and he’s a good student, but not a superstar, so I think the school is happy to have him as a representative of the program. The principal told me that the school would get S17’s physical IB diploma in about a month and they’ll send it on to him.

^^ You have a good principal at your son’s high school. All of my attempts to communicate with my son’s principal in the past four years, he had never even answered once, so I wouldn’t even expect him to send me even an email about this.

@TiggerDad are you sure your son didn’t attend a HADES or GLADCHEMMS prep school? The headmasters avoid parents like the plague (IMHO).Congrats all IB students and parents on getting their diplomas. What an accomplishment!

@preppedparent – I don’t know about a HADES or GLADCHEMMS prep school, but I do know that my son survived HADES! Both he and I hated his high school, and we counted the days for emancipation from this place. You wouldn’t believe how much we despised that good for nothing bureaucrat of a principal!

I admit that our principal is a GEM! It probably helps that he has a son in the class of 2017 and another in the class of 2018. He has literally watched these kids grow up and has coached several (my S17 included) in youth sports. But the whole school really focuses on each student and celebrates their accomplishments, whether it be academic, athletic, vocational, artistic, or character. There are bigger schools around, and some that have better “reputations,” but we’ve been perfectly happy with our kids’ educations and outcomes.