Calling all who have any experience with Hamilton College even those who almost attended!

She has an older sister who went to Bowdoin, and my father and brother are also alums. For her, though she liked it, she was too familiar with it. She wanted someplace new, different. She was quite particular in what she was looking for, and Hamilton and Kenyon were the clear winners, though she found much to like about nearly all of the schools she visited. Amherst, Bard, Colby, Dartmouth and Smith dropped off the list based on our visits. The others all received applications, as did a few we did not get to visit. Of course, all of those apps were withdrawn after the Kenyon acceptance.

@apple23 got it. thanks for explanation.was your D at Bowdoin equally happy? all such great schools!

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Good luck! Keep us posted on what he decides!

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I believe the OP has seen this. For others interested in brief comments on Hamilton in the context of comments on other liberal arts colleges, they appear in this topic: Struggling with D21's List. ED & ED2: Amherst, Hamilton, Wellesley, Vassar - #7 by merc81.

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My stepdaughter who went to Bowdoin really enjoyed her experience. Her interests differed from those of her sister in that she was a recruited athlete (lacrosse) and a chemistry major. She’s now an MD.

This Boston Globe article may be incidental, but nonetheless interesting, in that the prominent respondent, when taking the Proust Questionnaire, stated “Not going to Hamilton College” as his “greatest regret”:

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I saw this. Governor Baker ending up giving Hamilton’s commencement address in 2017 after stating in 2014 that his biggest regret was going to Harvard instead of Hamilton. He said after his statement was all over the news, a box of Hamilton “swag” showed up his doorstep from Hamilton admissions, lol.

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My daughter is a current sophomore at Hamilton. She was accepted ED1 for the class of 2025. She loves the school, is an RA, and works for the career center. She’s also a jitney driver. PM me with any questions you may have.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hamilton Class of 2027 Official Thread

@Creaky thank you!

My daughter is having a great experience at Hamilton, though it took her 6-8 weeks to find “her people.” She knew a lot of other students; ate at the commons with people she knew, went to town with other students, but it took her awhile to find people that were like her and she was completely comfortable with. She joined several clubs and found her friends in one of the clubs.

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HI! My daughter was a Jan in London last semester and starts school next week at Hamilton. I’m wondering if you would mind sharing which club your daughter liked best for connecting with other people? thank you!!

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Mock Trial! They travel together and spend a lot of time together preparing for trials.

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As far as downsides, the only negatives I have observed are 1) she’s not a fan of the food 2) the nearby hospitals are not highly regarded 3) there are no direct flights to and from Syracuse

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Where is your child traveling from? I was wondering about access to airports to get to Hamilton and which was the best airport to get there and how far/long it would take to get to campus. I was hoping there would be an airport with direct flight from/to LA area but it looks like it could be a long journey…

If you would like a direct connection from LA, you could fly into Albany. You can compare the overall time of this route to that of the Syracuse route to see which would be quicker. This site describes some of Hamilton’s transportation services:


We usually fly from San Diego. Syracuse Airport is 45 minutes from campus. Albany is an hour and half.


Thanks! Maybe we’ll try that.

That definitely gives me a good sense of travel options. Thank you!

My D20 is a junior at Hamilton and is having a wonderful experience there. She applied (and was accepted) EDI. My H is a Bowdoin alum, and that was her EDII choice if Hamilton rejected or deferred her. Others on the list: Skidmore, Lafayette, Middlebury, and Dickinson, to name a few. She removed Wesleyan and Colgate after visiting both, and refused to look at any of the Massachusetts LAC (Williams, Amherst, and Tufts) because she was determined to go out of state for college.

She is fine with the location, but that could be because she brought her car to campus after the first year. We also live in MA, so the cold weather was not a big adjustment.

PM me if you have any questions or want more information.

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