yo everyone just post the name of the colleges that You know require the Mid year report!
yay…lets get it started.
<p>Typically, the more competetive schools (top 75 LACs and research schools) require the mid-year report to be sent, although lesser-selective schools may recommend it.</p>
<p>Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Brown....</p>
<p>Dartmouth, tufts, barnard, brynmawr, Williams, amherst, mount holyoke</p>
<p>Northwestern, Oberlin, Lawrence... (The common application has a midyear report form in it.)</p>
<p>Penn, Chicago.</p>
<p>Wellesley, Middlebury, Brandeis</p>
<p>carnegie mellon</p>
<p>Georgetown University, Stanford University, and Washington and Lee University.</p>