calpoly, ucla, or...?

<p>I recently found out I did not get accepted into ucsb. It was my first choice so now I'm having trouble deciding where to go instead.
I got into calpoly and haven't heard back from ucla.</p>

<p>I am interested in advertising so I wanted to major in business economics but I'm also interested in english, and don't want to go to the community college.
where would be the better place?</p>

<p>You’ll be hearing from UCLA within the next couple of days. If you get in, I would go there. If not, it sounds like Calpoly is your only option. Did you apply anywhere else? I’m sorry you didn’t get into UCSB.</p>

<p>sunshinegrl – UCSB and Cal Poly SLO (not Pomona) have students of equivalent testing ability. For entering 2006 freshmen, the 25/75 Ave SAT for UCSB was 1190. amd for Cal Poly SLO was 1185.</p>

<p>If you are not concerned with research alongside Ph.D. students, they will both be equally great for you. For my taste, Cal Poly is an equally attractive campus. Being smaller, it has a slightly friendlier feel to it also.</p>

<p>UCSD told me the same thing as UCSB:
That my application was perfect but they wanted more average students. I only made top 6% and they took top 4.</p>

<p>I did like calpoly. I just don’t know a lot about it.
And I don’t know if transferring from the community college to ucsb would be better…

<p>sunshinegrl – if you had not been accepted to Cal Poly SLO, then community college would be a good strategy. However, Cal Poly is a ver attractive option for your four years.</p>

<p>I know. Thanks for the honest opinions.
I will be looking more into calpoly and hoping that works out.</p>


<p>You should really look into Cal Poly. They have a well regarded art/design department, and surprisingly its one of the few schools that offer an advertising major. I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t allow you to major in business and minor in advertising.</p>

<p>They do? That’s amazing! I did not know advertising was an option.
That makes me happy.</p>

<p>I will definitely consider that :)</p>