Caltech Class 2027 Official Thread

Anything new???

yes, my son was accepted REA. No research.


Is physics too competitive at Caltech? Acceptance rate?

everything is competitive at Caltech


Exactly. 97% or more of applicants will receive a denial/waitlist notice tomorrow. If the goal is to avoid competition, Caltech may not be it.

I visited Caltech last month when visiting LA area. Pie’n Burger on California St. is old school deliciousness.

Some schools’ students lie on the lawn or throw frisbees. At Caltech I saw a robot competition on the main lawn. Apparently a class.

I also noticed that at least half the students around the student center bookstore area had laptops up. Some were engaged in collaborative classwork and others were working on their own. Code on some screens and math equations on others. No Instagram or TikTok. :slight_smile:

Every other building seemed to be a research laboratory which was cool. One ugly tower on campus but apparently administrators are there. Good luck to everyone!


Anyone had their application fee date changed?

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Just changed today?

yes for today’s date

any good portal astrology for caltech?

Some people still have the “Application Complete” banner. Most don’t.

I have it! :pray:

Has your app fee date changed?

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what do you hypothesize this all could mean

Not too sure, but currently, here are my predictions:

  • Application Complete Banner & Fee Date Change - Accepted
  • Application Complete Banner & No Date Change - Waitlisted?
  • Application Complete Banner Hidden & Date Change - Rejected
  • Application Complete Banner Hidden & No Date Change - Rejected

The two smallest pools are the first two. Most common is the last one.

Too many people have a date change for it to be significant, but with a visible banner, I think it means acceptance.

I sure hope you’re right!!
about how large is your dataset

To be honest, not that big. Around 20 people.

I’ll PM you

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