Calvin College

<p>Hey everyone</p>

<p>I've done so much research into Calvin College but I was wondering if anyone had their own opinion on the college. I'm planning to apply there among other places like Hope and Wheaton, but is there anything distinctive any of you know about the school?</p>

<p>Anything evaluation of the school that you give will be valuable to me. I know they have an amazing philosophy department (the best of any Christian college) and that's what I want to major in.</p>

<p>Any opinions on the place? Any perspective on its overall academic reputation? What about getting into graduate schools?</p>

<p>It’s philosophy department has always been a strong suit, as you know, and students from Calvin who major in philosophy go on to prestigious programs. Calvin isn’t well known outside certain circles, but it’s known where it counts. </p>

<p>Our D is a senior there, and I think the best thing about the school is the faculty. They are wonderful, dedicated, helpful, thoughtful folks. She has gotten great guidance and mentoring. </p>

<p>And compared to other schools, Calvin is a bargain. I hope you enjoy it!</p>

<p>My D is accepted at Calvin. I’m wondering about student life, academic quality. They’re admissions are open.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what you mean by “admission are open.” I think you may be referring to the fact that they accept pretty much any student from the Christian Reformed Church; they are a school of that denomination. </p>

<p>But half the kids are not CRC, and Calvin continues to attract fine students, given the reality that they accept lots whose stats aren’t as high. My daughter’s two best friends are both National Merit Scholars, who chose Calvin. D has worked hard, and found the courses, on the whole, challenging. If your D has been accepted into the honors program, there are classes that are available to her.</p>

<p>Thanks. She sat in a couple of honors classes. She was hoping to spend the night in the honors dorm, but they put her in the multicultural dorm–trying to figure that out given she’s blonde and blue-eyed. She likes Calvin, but Grove City and Wheaton strike her as “more academic.” Personally, I like the Prince Conference Center!</p>

<p>The honors dorm is new, so my daughter was never in that. </p>

<p>Wheaton probably has the overall higher academic profile, as they can be more selective. The colleges have someone different theological profiles, which may or may not matter.</p>

<p>The Prince Conference Center is great! My younger D is now applying to schools, and we haven’t found anything anywhere that’s as inexpensive and convenient. I’ll miss it!</p>

<p>I’ve been getting literature from Calvin and I’m pretty sure I’ll be in the honors program if I go, which is excellent. Wheaton is another possibility for me, but there are no exclusive honors classes there, although I’m sure the overall academic environment would be about like Calvin’s honors in most classes.</p>

<p>Wheaton has less selection in courses and faculty than Calvin. Their spiritual and social environment doesn’t appeal to me as much as Calvin’s. </p>

<p>But I’m sure I’d have a good chance of getting into Wheaton. And their academic reputation is stronger, although in philosophy Calvin’s is better.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input guys. Can any of you think of a good reason to go to a place like Wheaton or another christian LAC other than Calvin if I want to major in philosophy?</p>

<p>I got mail recently from Calvin College, along with a few other christian colleges and notice for my interest of field ( or something like that) placed there as physician assistant, which is incorrect… it’s suppose to be Doctor, Surgeon etc… Good thing it wasn’t an admission application.</p>

<p>Calvin’s a fine place. One vague similarity between Wheaton and Calvin is that they’re both located in paraministry meccas. (How’s THAT for mixing both metaphors and maybe even Gods! :eek:) Both have ample opportunities for exposure to worldwide works via local presence. They’re not so similar in student make-up. Wheaton is a very national/international place while Calvin is a much more denominational/regional place. </p>

<p>Both provide fine academic experiences with minimal post-modern influences, but Wheaton has a much different profile, for what that’s worth. Says zilch about the actual undergraduate experience one may have either place. While a totally different type environment, Taylor is also a place in that general neck you may want to look at.</p>

<p>ya i agree</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>buuuuumpity doo</p>

<p>1 more time for good luck</p>

<p>Interesting school, just recieved my replying mail. It’s not my type of school ( like large public schools, they are less strict etc…), but seems to be known in Michigan.</p>

<p>cool thanks</p>

<p>man calvin is just awsome</p>

<p>growing up in a christian school enviornment, i’ve heard a lot of good things about Calvin. My cousin goes there, and he loves it. He hopes to be a pastor someday.</p>

<p>cool thats awesome</p>

<p>lol yaile</p>

<p>thanks guys.</p>

<p>dear best of lucks for your future you are going in right direction Calvin College is one of the famous college. hope you will be do well .</p>
