Campus Interview Question

<p>I read on the University of Rochester website that prospective students can schedule admissions interviews beginning in May of their junior year in high school. I was just wondering how hard and fast is this timeframe: D is currently a HS junior and we're planning to visit UR in early April. We live OOS and I was wondering if it would be possible for her to have an interview at that time, while she's on the campus, even if it's a bit earlier than May.</p>

<p>Where do you live? We also hold interview events in cities throughout the country in the fall. If you live, for example, in the middle of South Dakota, we would consider offering an interview in April; otherwise, we would recommend interviewing in the fall.</p>

<p>Thank you for the response, dweinerman. We live in southeastern Pennsylvania, so if Philadelphia is one of those cities in which your school interviews during the fall, we should be fine.</p>

<p>Philly is definitely one of the major cities. Look for the interviews some time in early December of 2009. They will be posted on the “events” section of our website.</p>

<p>Thanks again–D will keep an eye on the website.</p>