<p>Youngest son (current junior in hs) is interested in aeronautics so he will be attending the Oct 25 open house. If any current students are on this board, please give me an idea of campus life, how you like the school, etc. My two older kids attend more traditional colleges, are on varsity teams, love big time college sports, etc. and feel that is an important ingrediant of their college experience. From reading ERAU website, its unclear if there is any active campus life for students. </p>
<p>As a student of ERAU, what makes you most satisfied about attending the school?</p>
<p>In all honesty, there isn’t much of a student life activities at Embry Riddle. It’s really one of those universities that you have to make the best out of your situation in terms of social life. Yes they do have a soccer team so that’s kind of the surrogate football big game thing at the school and there are the occasional basketball games here but most of the students aren’t to interested in that part of the student life. It’s very far from the usual in terms of activities that a university, especially big name ones like UF or USC, will put on or night life type of things.</p>
<p>I would suggest that your child makes certain that this school is for him, that an interest in the field of aeronautics can become a love. </p>
<p>I found that it wasn’t really for me and I’m in the process of transferring to another university because I found that the aspect of the typical education, broad and varied with a lot of community involvement and new experiences that can be had at another university is something that I crave more than being at this school.</p>