<p>I'm sure the vast majority of UC applicants here want to go to the school with the most academic prestige that is willing to accept them based on academic merit as well as the social scene that appeals to them most. However, are there people here that prefer a mellow and not-so-socially imposing campus?</p>
<p>Maybe it's just that I'm a little older (27), not so chatty, and not really interested in school sports/spirit and the "college experience." I'm more interested in a relaxed atmosphere where I am exposed to great professors, lectures, facilities, and not bombarded with raging school activities from which there is no escape. I'd rather not be doing the things that are typical of the college experience aside from the academia.</p>
<p>I kind of regret not applying to UC Davis simply because it seems to be in a quaint little town. The vineyards would have been nice to visit often and go wine-tasting.</p>
<p>Are there any older transfer students here? Anyone weighing these things too?</p>
<p>Schools I applied to and have been accepted:</p>
<p>UCSD (I'm from San Diego)
<p>Waiting on UCLA and UCB.</p>
<p>Hi there!</p>
<p>I guess you could say I’m an older transfer student (24 years old) and actually won’t mind if the school I end up transferring to doesn’t have such a prestige social scene like some schools do.
I’m also from San Diego. Which cc are you transferring from?</p>
<p>I’m 26, and I’m going to either UCSD, UCLA, or Cal (in at SD, so far). I’ve heard UCSD is pretty mellow, and they have a good poli sci program, so I’ll be happy if thats where I’m headed. Not quite as happy as I would be with Cal, but as someone told me, UCSD is one hell of a safety school, so it’ll be all good. I also sort of regretted not applying to Davis, since living further north would put me closer to family and friends, but whatever; its only 2 years, then I can go to grad school at Berkeley or Stanford, but we’ll see about that…</p>
<p>Not to further rub in your UCD regret, but they also have wine making/tasting classes… same with beer.</p>
<p>I know UCR has good professors, some are pretty famous. As does UCSD(Rrrrrrrrrrrrrramachandran :D). Those are all good schools, but based on location/quietness, Id say UCSC. Lots of woods and beaches to get lost in there.</p>
<p>also whats your major?</p>
<p>I’m also 26 and I’m not taking the social scene into account. I’m more interested in a rigorous academic program which is why I hope to get into UCB. Socially, I can fit in anywhere so that’s the least of my worries.</p>
<p>Indeed. I go to Southwestern College in Chula Vista. What about you?</p>
<p>Yeah, my brother graduated from UCSD, but he was an engineering major. I’m a Comparative Literature major. Also, apparently “Cal” is short for Berkeley? I’m not familiar with the lingo.</p>
<p>Damn! Now I definitely regret it. Yeah, I’ve read (and heard from my professors) that UCR has some really good professors. One of my favorite literature professors graduated from UCR and says the literature department is superb. </p>
<p>I’ve also heard UCSC is a “stoner” and “druggie” school. These are obviously just labels, and I don’t care about drug use. If it impacts the school negatively then that’s a different story, but I can’t comment on that.</p>
<p>Also, my major is Comparative Literature.</p>
<p>I’m all about the whole campus vibe thing but either way, UCLA has had the best vibe for me so far but it’s not my first choice strictly because of the limitations they have on students and majors 
I’m guessing Berkeley would be very liked by me too just because I’m into the whole old architecture and big city feel.
I visited UCSB and UCI and wasn’t totally impressed but UCSD seemed quite nice. UCR has a great campus but it’s old to me now and as an Asian, rankings matter (due to certain brainwashing techniques) somewhat to me. Plus the area’s kinda boring.
I’m REALLY looking forward for my visit to Davis next week because this seems to be my top choice at the moment and I’ve heard so many good things about it. I’d still REALLY love to finally live in a big urban environment though but UCLA and Berkeley will probably not be my choice. It’ll probably end up with me having to decide whether I like Davis or UCSD or UCSB (i’ll visit it once more for a better feel) better.
UCSC looks pretty neat but I didn’t apply there.</p>
<p>I was actually going to take Summer classes at SWC, but they don’t have the ones I need -_-.
And I go to both City & Mesa. Are you a TAG student??</p>
<p>Reza Aslan teaches at UCR, hes on NPR quite a bit i think</p>
<p>I’m a little bit older also. But you should MOSTLY focus on the academics first and the location 2nd.</p>
<p>I perceive SB as a little bit of a party school just because of the times I’ve visited there and the people I know who go there. But I feel like the city of Santa Barbara is nicer than UCSB and the community seems a little bit older but it definitely has some of that small town stuff going on. If you haven’t been there, you would probably like the city.</p>
<p>UCR is kind of mid-CA ghetto. If I have to go there, I would commute an hour and a half from Orange County lol because I wouldn’t really want to live there. That’s probably a big part of the reason UCR isn’t too well-regarded in UC rankings is because of the location.</p>
<p>I don’t know much about UCSC because it’s really far away.</p>
<p>Obviously you know about UCSD.</p>
<p>UCB is obviously an amazing school and the campus is really nice but literally a few streets over it is also somewhat sketchy. But UCLA has a similar thing going on. The difference between those is if you’re alright with more of the city life or if you’d want something a little less extreme (but very cold).</p>
<p>Out of where you applied to… </p>
<p>if you don’t mind moving you better go to Cal –> if you don’t get into Cal go to UCLA –> if you don’t get into either stay UCSD –> then UCSB –> UCR –> UCSC</p>
<p>I’ve only visited UCSD and UCLA. UCSD had a “non-vibe” kind of vibe to me. Probably since I’ve lived in San Diego all my life. I didn’t really get a vibe from UCLA. Weird. </p>
<p>“I’m guessing Berkeley would be very liked by me. . .” I like that sentence.</p>
<p>Again, wish I would’a applied to UC Davis. </p>
I heard all San Diego Community Colleges were cutting all summer classes. Southwestern is not, so it’s gonna be crammed. </p>
<p>I am a TAG student, although UC Berkeley and UCLA don’t have that program.</p>
<p>Indeed. I kinda like the underdog thing UCR has going on for it. Everyone talks down on it, but it has some great professors.</p>
<p>Actually, after UCR opens it’s med school next year, I think it’s going to start to jump in undergraduate rankings. I still think Riverside as a whole isn’t the most desired location but I think it’s going to beat out some of the other UCs in years to come because of that. There also are a lot of really good professors there and the perk is that at UCR you don’t have to just be another number but you actually have an easier chance at making an impression on your professors/doing research/being involved.</p>
<p>This is exactly what I heard from my transfer counselor (although she is a bit biased, being a UCR alumni). I think the location has the biggest impact on UCR’s negative reputation.</p>
<p>I’m a 31 year old transfer student and I understand exactly what you are talking about QVOPINCHEPUTO. So far I’m in at: UCI & UCD. Still waiting on UCLA & UCB.</p>
<p>What is your major? I was gonna apply to UCI too, but someone at my CC discouraged me. Good luck. I feel college experience is a whole other thing for transfer students that are a bit older.</p>
<p>The UCR Freshman acceptance rate dropped from about 75% to 62% this year which makes it more selective than Merced and Santa Cruz by a huge percentage already. A few years ago, people would be admitted to UCR without even applying lol. Literally, a few people I know were rejected from other UCs applying as freshmen but received emails offering admittance to UCR.</p>
<p>But I hope I get into UCI.</p>
<p>I’m an English major. I visited both UCD and UCI. I was impressed with both! I agree with you. I spent 8 years in the Air Force, so I look at college in a different light. I’m sure this can be said for any older student who’s been out there in the world for a few years. Good luck to you as well!</p>
<p>Nice! What aspect or focus in English are you interested in? I too thought about (and still do) English as a major, but there are so many works from different countries that fascinate me that I ended up choosing Comparative Literature because it encompasses such a vast selection.</p>
<p>I didn’t do any military, but I did do real world for a while and know what you mean as well. </p>
<p>If you get into both UCLA and UC Berkeley, which will you choose?</p>