Campus Visit Question

<p>I’m visiting UA in the next few weeks, and was just sent an itinerary. I was suprised to see it included meetings with people such as the University President, the Director of International Honors, and a professor. (I’m kind of nervous for some reason, just thinking about it.) Should I be dressing more formally than I had originally planned (e.g. jeans and a t-shirt)? Or is wearing slacks and a blouse too formal?</p>

<p>You should dress nice. Nice pants and blouse. Where are you from. :)</p>

<p>Colorado. And thanks :)</p>

<p>Are you a NMF? What is your major? </p>

<p>did Jami arrange your schedule?</p>

<p>Same here! Our district admissions rep contacted somebody in admissions there to plan a personalized tour for the 28th. My son thought it was really cool but a little scary to be meeting with Dr. Witt. I’m thinking nice but comfortable since there will probably be a lot of walking.</p>

<p>Yes!! Comfortable shoes…also some kind of jacket because the weather can get cold. Also, bring a small umbrella in case there is rain.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips. </p>

<p>I’m a NMF and planning on majoring in Computer Science. This isn’t really the right thread to ask this question, but in the interest of not starting another: I’m planning on majoring in computer science and studying Chinese in the IHP. I’m somewhat interested in medicine, and though I’m not positive I want to be a doctor, I’d like to keep my options open by taking basic science courses that will prepare me for the MCAT. Will all of that be able to fit into my schedule reasonably? I have AP credit, but most of the credit I’ve earned is in science classes that I’ll probably retake anyways…</p>

<p>1) I hope that you listed comp sci as your major? Did you? If so, you’ll get an additional $2500 per year. If you didn’t list it, do it now on MyBama…academics tab…left column down</p>

<p>2) My younger son is a ChemE major who is also pre-med. He also has 3 minors…Bio, Chem, and Math…so you should have space to fit Chinese in with Comp Sci and pre-med.</p>

<p>for IHP you have to take </p>

<p>b. Minimum of 18 hours of honors courses:
i. 6 out of the 18 hours MUST be in UH (University Honors) seminars at the 100, 200, or 300 level.

  1. IHP 105 or IHP 155 counts towards 3 out of the 6 UH required seminars.
  2. All UHP students are eligible to take IHP courses.
  3. All UH seminars are repeatable provided the course content differs.
    ii. The remaining 12 out of the 18 hours may be completed in the following ways:
  4. 12 additional hours in UH classes OR
  5. 12 hours of departmental honors courses, i.e. courses offered by various departments on campus (English, Math, History, etc.). These courses either have ‘honors’ in the title or carry an attribute on mybama indicating “university honors.”
    EN 103, Advanced English Composition counts as honors but lacks ‘honors’ in the title
    EN 104, Blount Freshmen English counts as honors for the same reason stated above) OR
  6. 12 hours in any combination of UH and departmental honors courses.</p>

<p>I don’t see where you’d have any trouble fitting this in. some of the honors classes will be fulfilling your other Gen Ed/Core classes…such as your FL req’t.</p>

<p>You don’t have to retake your AP Sciences IF you’re going to be taking any “next level higher” courses…such as BioChem…or Genetics…or Anatomy…etc. However, do retake your AP Sciences if you don’t feel like you got a strong education in them. </p>

<p>If you’ll get AP credit for Cal I and you feel that you know Calculus, don’t be afraid to go onto Cal II. That will be fine for med school.</p>

<p>you should also sign up the AP English Comp exam (even if you haven’t take the class). If you’re decent in writing, this will save you at least one Frosh Comp class.</p>

<p>Did you take any AP history classes???</p>

<p>If you plan on going to med school straight out of college, then be sure to set up your schedule so that you’ll have a light FALL senior year. That’s when you’ll be interviewing at med schools (You’ll take the MCAT spring of junior year). If you plan on doing a “glide year,” then that won’t matter.</p>

<p>If you are a Comp. Sci. major why would your retake the AP science credits?
They generally seem to suggest by default if you ask, that you retake the APs in your core major, but when DS (a current Comp. Sci./Studio Arts dbl. major) was advised, they had no issues with him continuing on. Using your APs is the key to making a double (triple?) major much more doable.</p>

<p>It looks like m2ck posted the requiremnets for UHP. The ones for IHP are:

I would also suggest completing UHP requirements, but that is up to you.</p>

<p>I generally advise people against retaking courses for which they already have AP credit. You understand the material enough to take the next course in the various sequences. While not an accurate comparison, [most] people aren’t going to suggest that a student retake EN 101/102 if they already have AP credit for it, even if the student in question is an English major.</p>

<p>Don’t forget that you can also take summer courses at another institution (with UA’s approval) and transfer them to UA.</p>

<p>D did not apply to IHP, she thought might be too much with CBH and regular honors, But she loves foreign language and plans to study abroad. Anyone know if you can apply as Frosh, or even now? (The cut off date was 2/6.) What is the real benefit of IHP?</p>

<p>I don’t think your daughter will have any trouble applying to IHP after the deadline. My son did his application the first morning of Bama Bound.</p>

<p>It’s not too late to apply to IHP.</p>

<p>SEA_Tide…thanks for catching my mistake. I went to the req’ts page, and then dumbly copy/pasted the wrong section. Ugh! LOL</p>

<p>Now, when trying to copy/paste the right section, I’m still having problems with the wrong section pasting! ??? Weird. Something odd is going on with my computer!!!</p>

a. IHP 155 or IHP 105.
b. 4 Semesters of a Foreign Language (12 credits or the equivalent).
c. Two International Honors by Contract courses (covering international material).
d. Study abroad (minimum 10 weeks and 6 credits earned while overseas.
e. IHP students are not eligible to take UHP courses unless they are also UHP students.</p>

<p>ahh…I had to “copy with formatting” in order to get the right stuff to paste. Weird…never had to do that before. </p>

<p>Is the 10 week abroad requirement new? For some reason, I was thinking that it used to be 6 weeks.</p>

<p>The study abroad requirement has been 10 weeks and a minimum of 6 credits for at least as long as I’ve been at UA. By design, the requirement is longer than most summer programs.</p>