Can a gay student be safe at A&M?

<p>The school is very appealing. Good university overall, not too bad a drive to Houston, or Austin, safe environment, and a great social life, but there is just one problem. I'm gay. I've heard horror storries about anti-gay ativities towards students at the school, but most of them seem to be old. It looks like the school is really trying to steer away from the conservative stereotype most of the nation has given it. My question is, do you think it's safe for an openly gay male to be a student at A&M? It's not like i'm wearing a rainbow flag on my back and yelling gay pride at the top of my lungs, but it's not like I'm going to hide my sexuality to please others. I am who I am, and won't change. There are a couple of "gay" places in Bryan, and I will probably be living in my own apartment, so I can steer away from any anti-gay people I may be placed with at the dorms. What do you think? I just don't want to end up at a school where I have no friends, and feel like I can't be myself. College holds some of the best years of our lives, and I wouldn't want it to turn into a nightmare.</p>

<p>I don’t know what you have heard, but my D’s close friend from our home town is a lesbian and has had ZERO problems and LOVES it there. There are support groups in place, and my D walked with her to the first meeting. No worries at all. I don’t think you’ll have problems. But hey, I think you should do a campus visit and see for yourself. And maybe some of the current students here can give you better insight - and maybe from a guy’s perspective too.</p>

<p>Cromette is correct. Go and visit and ask questions. My son said when the student council was voting on a gay/lesbian issue last spring, a large, supportive group of students supported gay/lesbian organizations.</p>