Can a girl from a NY boarding school be accepted socially at University of Alabama?

My daughter is considering Alabama. I’m concerned she might find it tough going not being from the south? Anyone witha similar background have anything to say? Greek system seems pretty important - that’s another concern.


she might find it tough going not being from the south?



no, not at all. Many kids are “not from the south.” There are over 900 kids from Calif alone. I think there are about 800 from Illinois. And these are just off the top of my head. Bama has kids from all 50 states!

besides, kids from the south do NOT dislike kids from elsewhere. Why would they? And no one will care that she went to a boarding school … again, why would they? Southern kids go to boarding schools, too. No one cares about those things. Seriously.

Alabama students are welcoming to students from all over.

Have you visited ??? If not, then you should. You will find that your worries will go completely away.

What is her major?

what is her concern about Greeks? Does she want to rush? If so, fine. If she doesn’t, also fine.

One of my daughters best friends, roommate and sorority sisters is from Buffalo, NY. She has TONS of friends, a boyfriend and his family that adore her, has fit in just perfectly.

My daughter also has good friends from Minnesota, Michigan, Chicago, Florida, California, etc. There are kids from all over the country at UA.

I live in CA and in recent years my school has been sending about 3-5 kids to Bama per year… For my graduating class this number should be even higher. I have 2 friends that go there right now and they love it.

About 60% of their freshman class is out of state and the school is huge, so fitting in definitely won’t be a problem. There are people from all over.

DS is from a New England boarding school. We visited Bama.

No problem…

An alien from Mars can fit in, dont worry.