I’m a little worried because I just received my October SAT score, and my math score was a bit low for my liking. I’m a senior and have only taken the SAT once, and I cannot take it again because I am taking subject tests in November. My scores are:
Composite: 2180
M: 680
CR: 750
W: 750
I was really upset by my math score because I’m a very strong math student in school, and I’m applying for engineering. My top choice college is UPenn, but I doubt I’ll get in now…
Anyway, do you guys think that if I get a 700+ on the Math 1 and Math 2 subject tests, they will take it into consideration and understand that I actually am a good math student? I made really silly mistakes on the SAT, I tend to go fast and misread things and make careless errors, but I know I’m smart 
Also I’m a little worried because I did really well in writing but I feel like schools aren’t going to care because it’s not considered an “important” score or whatever.
Does having a score below 700 make me a laughingstock for ivy admissions?
Plenty of 1800-1900s get accepted at ivies. No, you will not be a laughingstock unless you have a 2.1 GPA with a 900 SAT.
I don’t know about the SAT II counteracting the SAT I. I’m sort of on the same boat…with the same SAT I math score (I’m applying as a physics major to a different college; my score sucks).
Um, not really. Unless you mean the hockey teams.
Well anyway, I’m afraid that they’re going to look specifically for a high math score, and I don’t have it. I really expected math to be my best score, I’m not quite sure what happened,
Take one or the other (preferably Math 2), but not both; taking both will have no benefit to you.
Ask the question once you actually have a 700+. Until then, it’s just a pipe dream.
Take the Math 2. I’d like to think it balanced out, but I wouldn’t count on it.
@skieurope I just want to know so I have something to strive for. I probably will take math 2, thanks for your advice
Math II is a bit easier than Math I.
^ It really depends on the student, there is no generalization that one may do better in one or the other. Math2 takers are more self selected.
Math 2 is a calculator test. Learn to program your TI and it’s pretty easy.
So if I do really well on Math 2, will it help offset my SAT math score a little bit?
If you are sure you cannot retake the SAT I, then don`t waste your time wondering how much a good SAT II score will balance it! Whatever is done is done. If you are certain you cannot retake the SAT I, focus all your energy on the subject tests and hope for the best. This is the most productive thing you can do right now. Good Luck