Can anyone help me at all?

<p>Okay, my brother & I want to start a new club at school--FSPA=Future Science Professions of America. I didn't want to do FDA (Future Doctors of America) because that sort of limits the club to only future 'doctors', and not many people would join. </p>

<p>Some of our ideas include making presentations on the different aspects of various scientific professions. We plan to hold 6 positions since my brother & I will hold the original 2 positions of President & Vice President. (so it's fair, because there are usually 4 positions) We also plan to have doctors and other scientic professionals visit the club and speak. We'll hold a fund raiser and plan a trip to the local hospital for others to tour. We may also plan trips to other scientific institutions & conventions. We have many advertising ideas to get people interested in joining. </p>

<p>But I still need some more ideas to keep the club going for a whole year. Anyone have any ideas whatsoever that we could include in this club? I posted this in the Pre-med/High School Topics forum..and well, no one really answers much over there. Anyone at all?? Pretty please?</p>

<p>Have members regularly do volunteer work in science-related things.</p>

<li>Host a science festival at an elementary school.</li>
<li>Have a math games night at an elementary school</li>
<li>Volunteer getting supplies for local people with HIV</li>
<li>Get CPR and first aid training</li>
<li>Host a health fair at your school</li>
<li>Have some kind of health-related school campaign such as one designed to prevent obesity, encourage wellness habits, help students handle stress
7.Visit local companies or colleges that have science research labs</li>
<li>Invite in college reps to talk about what students need to do who wish to major in science-related fields</li>
<li>Sponsor a poster or essay contest on a health related issue.</li>
<li>Do some kind of research project. </li>
<li>Invite in alum of your h.s. who are majoring in science in college to discuss their college experiences</li>

<p>These are fantastic ideas, thank you so so much Northstarmom!</p>