Can do joint degree at Pomona and Harvey Mudd?

<p>My daughter is interested in exploring engineering/computer science, but also wants to take far more liberal arts courses than can be accomodated by the need to meet engineering degree requirements in 4 years. Many colleges (Stanford, MIT, Rice, Brown etc) offer a 5-year joint BA and BS degree that can address this issue.</p>

<p>Do you know if she could do such a joint degree at Pomona and Harvey Mudd (i.e. she gets a BA at Pomona in say literature and a BS in engg at Mudd) over 5 years? I know that she could do a 3-2 program where she does 3 years at Pomona and 2 years at Caltech/WashU, but she'd rather (1) do both degrees concurrently rather than sequentially and (2) be on one campus with her cohort for the program. It would seem that Pomona/Mudd would be an ideal place if she wanted to do such a program and still wanted to be in a smaller school environment - but I see no obvious mention of such a possibility on either school's website. It may be that it is possible but it's not common and hence not publicized (in fact when I checked the Pomona website there was reference in the student senate minutes to a Pomona student, Zamir, that did such a joint degree with Mudd a few years ago).</p>

<p>Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'll also post in the Mudd forum.</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd will let its students get an off-campus major, even if they don't have an HMC major at all. (e.g. a Mudder who majors in Italian and minors in Engineering). The question is which school she would enroll at. Pomona allows for off-campus majors as well, but has fewer requirements, which would make such a course of study easier to fulfill. Pomona also has 3-2 Engineering programs, which would be similar to what I think you're talking about (if it were with Mudd).</p>

<p>A student at one Claremont college can pursue a major at another Claremont college, but a student's degree is issued by the school in which she is enrolled.</p>

<p>That is great, just another reason to apply on top of all the others :P</p>

<p>Though 4 of the Claremont Colleges offer off-campus majors, Pomona does not. Students at Pomona can still take 1/3 of their classes at the other colleges but unless the rules have been changed you cannot major in a subject not offered at Pomona.</p>

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<p>If your D goes to Mudd and does engineering, will she really be able to do the major, the core, the 12 extra hum classes, and then another major?</p>

<p>I think every 2-3 years about one person makes it through Mudd with a double major in engineering and another subject.</p>

<p>Just to close this loop: the answer after speaking with both Mudd and Pomona admissions offices is that it’s not possible to do this particular combo. You can do a 3-2 combo with Claremont and Mudd, and of course the 3-2s that Pomona has with WashU and Caltech, but not Pomona with Mudd. Too bad - not sure why they would not have this option possible when the others are (in fact, the Mudd adm office person was under the impression that you could do a dual degree with Mudd and all the other Claremont colleges except Pomona).</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who weighed in.</p>