Can I apply to transfer to the UCs if I have 72 units, not just 60?

Thats basically it. I’ll have 56 units at the end of this school year, and next fall about a 16 unit semester. Spring I’d basically just take the semester off and do something like travel, volunteer, intern, work, etc.

Maybe I will split the classes over fall and spring so I can intern/work the entire year. But thats not the point lol.

Basically, can I apply to the UCs or USC if I will have 72 units?

USC is a private school and has very different transfer protocol than the UCs. I believe, you can go in as a sophomore.

UCs are much more rigid. There is a unit cap (70) but, it just applies to how many credits they will apply to your graduation once you arrive. My You really should use TAG to secure a spot and to KNOW you are taking the right classes and have a crystal clear GPA threshold.

You should have a transfer advisor at your CC that can help you map out the courses and, if a break is doable.

If you plan to TAG to UC Davis, they are the only UC that has a full time CC student requirement Spring Quarter/Semester prior to transfer. Just an FYI.

Does it only matter for CC students? What about 4 year college students?

Yeah, because Im a student at a SJSU