Can I claim to be Native American on my college application?

I am going to be applying to colleges soon and my family recently took a DNA test. I identify myself as Hispanic (Colombian & Cuban) and I found out I was 13% Native American. Ancestry DNA says I’m north, central, south, and Andean Native American. I am not registered in a tribe, but I am very intrigued with my Native American side and want to look into it. On my college app can I check the box saying I am American Indian or no? Is that valid?

No. Unless you have a tribal registration number/documentation, do not game the system. Although checking Hispanic is fine.

You do not necessarily need an enrollment number. That applies more to colleges in areas with more Native Americans and a desire to be fair to those kids.

But you need a much better connection than a DNA test and an after the fact interest. If you can’t show connection, no boost to count on.

@flowers6574 My daughter and I are Native American, holding both Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) cards and tribal enrollment cards. She checked the box for Native American, and the admission offices at most of the schools to which she applied did ask for her to provide copies of her cards to prove her claim.

@lookingforward “You do not necessarily need an enrollment number. That applies more to colleges in areas with more Native Americans and a desire to be fair to those kids.”

That was not the case for my daughter as she applied to schools in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and NYC, and the majority of those schools asked for copies of her cards.

Interesting, @NorthLeftCoast

Edit post #3 to read Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood Card.