Can I crack Princeton?

<p>I'm Eurasian, high socio economic status in Southern California, attend #82 on Newsweek's top thousand American High Schools and I need to know what my colleigate prospects are.</p>

<p>Here are my stats:
Sat I: V:800 M:640(abhorrent I know, but I guess the asian math gene was recessive) W:700=2140
Sat II: History:790; Literature:740
Unweighted GPA:3.94
Top 10%</p>

<p>Classes of Note: Honors English 9 & 10, AP English 11, AP World History, AP U.S. History, Ap Enviromental Science, AP Art History</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
-Captain of the Debate Team
-State Debate Champion
-Tournament of Champions Finalist (that means 2nd best in contiguous U.S. for debate laity)
-President of the National Honor Society
-President Brick by Brick (we raised money to construct an orphanage for tsunami orphans in Sri Lanka)
-Vice President of MUN, recieved gavel award
-Intern at prestigious Law Firm
-Will attend National Congressional Leadership Forum this summer</p>

<p>Quasi Legacy-My grandfather attended seminary there.
What are my chances at Princeton?</p>

<p>No, it is NOT legal to do crack at Princeton. I don't think its legal to do it ANYWHERE in the USA. Are you an international? Maybe you should look at some universities in Holland...</p>

<p>No need to be a fescitious snot, I just wanted to know whether or not I could 'crack' (as in get accepted to) Princeton. Though, if your attitude is indicative of that of most ivy league students I know not if I even want to apply.</p>

<p>You should probably learn to spell "facetious" first, to back up that 800 verbal.</p>

<p>Your math score is below average, but otherwise your stats are good. ECs are fine, nothing exceptional, except perhaps debate and the law firm internship. You have about as good a chance as any other affluent Eurasian bright, well-rounded kid--in other words, it's impossible to predict.</p>

<p>Final verdict: Do try, but don't count on it.</p>

<p>Yes, I'm harsh, but not nearly as harsh as Ivy League admissions.</p>

<p>apply. even with your math, you have a ticket with a 1440.</p>

<p>if you don't, you'll never no.</p>

<p>yeah, way to take a joke....</p>

<p>if I were being a "fescitious Ivy League A sshole...i would tell you you're a shoo-in for HYPS and that you don't even need to apply! They'll send you your acceptance letters next April."</p>

<p>But I'm heh. :-P</p>

<p>Are you planning to take a third SAT II b/c i thought they required three.</p>

<p>I'd say your chances - and whether or not you should apply early - depend on how good you are in English. If you have something special going for you, as in, teachers who will say that you were the best in their career, or awards, or an impressive portfolio, than you may make up for your math score. Definately try to raise that math to a 700 if possible. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ya I think we all know what "crack" means.....</p>

<p>Now let me see, your math score is horrible, your rank is average (below average for Princeton), it doesn't look like you've done anything outside of school clubs other than the intern which could be just family connections since you are apart of the high socio economic class. "Quasi Legacy"- almost good enough is not good enough. I don't know what the National Congressional Leadership Forum is, but if you are just attending (without being invited), that's nothing special. I am sure your 82nd ranked school offers more than 5 AP courses; colleges really hate it when you don't take full advantage of available opportunities.</p>

<p>Basically, you have nothing going for you other than a few leadership positions in school. </p>

<p>This is basically how schools such as Princeton will look at your application.</p>

<p>I don't think you will have a very good chance at cracking Princeton.</p>

<p>I think that is a really harsh assessment, iwantfood, especially without knowing all of the facts. The Tournament of Champions finalist is a very nice EC, as are the leadership poisitions in your clubs. The truth is, we don't know what elcapitan's teachers will say about him; I'm pretty sure I was accepted largely on the basis of recommendations and a writing sample I sent in. Elcapitan is, in my opinion, a very reasonable Princeton candidate.</p>

<p>That being said, elcapitan, Princeton does look to see whether or not you've taken the most advanced classes your school offers. I have no problem with your number of APs, but if you weren't in any advanced math or science courses, they're going to have to really love your humanitites skills to accept you. And again, raising your SAT math is crucial. If you can't get to 700, I would suggest applying early to another great, although somewhat less selective school.</p>

<p>Thanks for some somewhat consoling words Icargirl.</p>

<p>Look, the posters that just posted have completely assessed you wrong. You have about a 80% chance at Princeton, as long as you don't slack off on your essays.</p>

<p>Here's Why: It seems odd, but I don't think many CC users do policy debate or any other form of debate. Policy Debate is one of THE MOST prestigious and respected EC's that you can do in high school. It requires hours and hours of research, immense speaking skills, and a lot of strategy. This is not just an opinion, but it is rather the attitude of numerous Ivy League adcoms. If you and your debate partner are truly the California Policy Debate champs, then I would say you have a very, very good shot at Princeton ED considering your scores are somewhat in range(though somewhat low). I would think that being a National level policy debater and California state champ is comparable to being the state champ of any sport in California. You're also the President of NHS and have other good things going for you. Quite simply, if you retake your SAT I to get a little higher score and emphasize your love of debate in your essays, then I vehemently believe that you could basically count the number of the future Princeton's Class of 2006 applicants that are more or even as qualified as you to get in with your own fingers. Don't let trivial standardized tests like the SAT put you down in life. You have something much, much, much more special going for you than all those 2400's out there. Good luck!!!</p>

<p>id say you have a 1/10 chance</p>