Is there a way i can dispute my final grade? i never showed up in class because i felt like people were throwing hints at me to get out, im also super shy. But i always did my work. I thought i had an B in the class, My teacher emailed us that the final grades were posted and to email him by February 20th, 2016 if we had any questions. I checked and i still had a B. Then i realized after talking to one of my professors that “upcoming” in the grade book ment zeros, which was fine for her class because i had a B and thoses “upcoming” assignments kept me at a B. But in one class, It shows that i have B as my final grade with 3 “upcoming” assignments that is a total of 75 points. So when i added thoses 75 points by hand to the overall total. I got a C+. I know i dont deserve 50 of thoses 75 points, which is fine. But one assignment that is worth 10 points, he claimed was extra credit, and that it was NOT mandatory. So why is it that i have a 0 out of 10 for that assignment. The other 15 points was an one of the 1st assignments he ever gave to us in class… i dont show up in class. I’ve waited for that assignment to turn into a zero but it never did. It said “upcoming.” If i received 15 points from thoses 2 fails, i get my B back.
For everyone who thinks i suck academically in his class, for our final, the very last assignment he ever gave us a 4 page paper on gun control. I got a 100% . The assignment was worth 200 points.
You can dispute the extra credit bit – if it was supposed to be optional extra credit, you shouldn’t be docked for not doing it. But the other 15 points I don’t understand why you think you should get back. You didn’t do the assignment.
If you are going to class and are “super shy” why would you think people wanted you out? I’ve never seen anyone want someone out who sits quietly throughout the class. You need to go to class. If you’re not going, then you need to go over syllabus with fine tooth comb and be sure you understand everything and keep up with grades throughout semester - not just at end. At some point you’re likely to run into a class with a participation portion, either earned by attendance or actually talking in class.
Just because the extra credit us worth ten point doesn’t mean getting a 0 will negatively impact your grade. Every class I’ve had with extra credit has had it in it’s own weighted category, so if you added up all the categories it would come out to 110% possible because of the extra credit. Agree that you need to seek help for your assertion that people were throwing you hints to leave because no one really cares who is in their class. Make an appointment with your professor so you can understand how the grade was calculated, but I see no reason that you would get a B.
I don’t know why you think you have an argument for missing an in class assignment. It is YOUR responsibility to be in class and YOUR responsibility to make up assignments you miss. You decided not to attend class and now you have to deal with the consequences.
I don’t follow your rationale for not going to class (would you not show up to work because you thought a coworker disliked you?) but the answer to your question is yes, you can dispute your grade. Your school will have a specific procedure published in the student handbook (probably available online) that will outline the steps you need to take. Typically, this involves a series of meetings, first with the professor, and if that doesn’t work out then with the department chair, the dean, the provost etc.
If you find that your shyness is preventing you from doing things you want to do/should be doing, please visit your campus counseling center. They have professionals who can help you meet those challenges, and your tuition already pays for the service!
1)Go to your professor and talk about your grades
2) Go to your counseling center and talk about how you felt not included in class and that you thought the only solution was to not go to class. Either you are thinking things that are not really happening, or you should have talked to the professor about the situation.
I’ll skip the suggestions for therapy since they’ve been repeated numerous times.
You can try to dispute the grade. But if I were the professor, my first question would be “What did I say in class?” And you won’t have an answer because you weren’t there.
If you’re not taking an online class, then being in class is part of taking the course. Opting out, regardless of how valid you think your reasons were, means missing part of the course. As a result, your grade suffered.