<p>Grade 9
semester 1
Physical Sciene: A
English 9: A
Algebra 1: A
World History: A
Choir: A
Art: A
French: B</p>
<p>(I then moved countries and changed schools in the middle of the year)
Semester 2
Earth Science: B-
World History: B+
PE: A-
Algebra 1: B-
French: B+
Speech: B+</p>
<p>Grade 10
Semester 1
English 10: A-
PE: A-
Geometry: B+
Algebra 2: C+ (bad, I know)
AP History: B
Honors Biology: B
Arabic: B</p>
<p>Semester 2
English: A
Ap History: A
Geometry: B+
Algebra 2: B
Arabic: A-
Honors Biology: C+ :(
PE: B+</p>
<p>I am currently in grade 11 and Im doing the IB Diploma. If I work really hard for the next 2 years and get mostly straight A's and do a lot of service hours, do you think there is any chance McGill would pay less attention to my bad grade 10 grades?
Thanks guys!</p>