<p>I'm shooting for uchicago(unlikely but it's worth a shot) but I'll be happy if I fall back on a good state school (Universtiy of Washington, Florida, Texas, Michigan, etc.) or a good private school (Miami university, university of Miami, Syracuse, etc.). To my knowledge all the schools I've listed are top 100, do I have a good chance of getting into any of them or any other top 100 school? Also feel free to list any other colleges I should check out.</p>
Unweighted GPA is 3.3, weighted is 3.9, top 29% (terrible sophomore and freshman year but improved significantly junior and senior year). IB and AP student. My teachers and guidance counselor all like me so I'm assuming they wrote good recommendations. I also don't have any "joke" classes(pottery, woodworking, etc.) in my junior and senior year schedule, I only have IB classes and am taking IB economics and IB psychology as electives. My schedule is probably one of the most rigorous my school offers.</p>
<p>SAT-2000, Reading-650, Math-660, Writing-690</p>
Member of 5 clubs including NHS(national honor society), board member in a prestigious Florida science club and interclub council member in a culture club. 150+ hours of community service which include working at summer camps, hospital, and dog kennels. I've also shadowed several doctors and attended a doctor's conference. I am a very widely traveled person and am trilingual. I am also from a foreign country but live in the U.S. if that helps. I've one a few awards here and there but nothing special, just honor roll and stuff like Spanish student of the month. I was also on the 2012 prom court, not an academic achievement but a social achievement, so it may help. Also I was a performer in two acts in the school talent show.</p>