Can I get into a UC with F’s on my transcript

Going into junior year I had a 3.9 unweighted and a 4.18 weighted gpa. Second semester of junior year I got an in F AP US history, pre-calc, and AP physics. I was able to make up history and pre-calc, getting a B in both, but I didn’t make up physics. I already had my a-g requirements for science and my counselor said I shouldn’t make it up because I didn’t like it. I now just started senior year with a 3.2 unweighted,a 3.4 weighted, and a 3.0 UC gpa. Can I still get into a UC?

Probably not, but all the UCs are community-college friendly, so you have a second chance. All the best.

Are you a CA resident? Is the 3.0 UC GPA, your capped weighted UC GPA using this calculator?

The minimum threshold as a CA resident to apply to a UC, is a 3.0 Capped weighted while for OOS and International students it is a 3.4. However, the minimum threshold does not guarantee admission to any UC. I will post some admit numbers for 2020 to show where you stand with a 3.0 UC GPA.

2020 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 1%

UCLA: 1%

UCSD: 1%

UCSB: 2%

UCI: 1%

UCD: 7%

UCSC: 26%

UCR: 30%

UCM: 88%

As you can see, that UC Merced could be your only UC option but it is an option so I would apply if you are interested in attending.

If you are a CA resident, then there are plenty of Cal states and private schools within California that would accept you with your GPA. If you list your 3 UC GPA’s, HS course rigor, Intended major etc… than CC posters can help with a viable college list.

BTW: Your counselor gave you bad advice if you are aiming for a UC in not retaking the Physics course.

if you’d have retaken the course - then you’d probably be a solid candidate for at least a few of the UCs. Without it, probably not.

Apply broadly, include a couple Non Impacted as well as your local CSU. (most majors at) Sonoma in particular is worth a look.

Good luck