Can I get into college?

so i'm obviously black, and i go to a small catholic high school. I pretty much volunteer everywhere (about 4 places) and have about 500 hours under my belt from high school. im class secretary for 3 years and ive had two internships throughout my high school career.ive started a couple clubs and will be earning my girl scout gold award. my gpa is low though at a 3.3 unweighted. i have taken a majority of honors classes and one ap this year (my school only offers ap to seniors) ill probably have good recommedations and my essay is kinda kick ass if do say so myself haha, and i got about a 1900 on my sats. do you think I am a complete longshot for BU general education, or even more of a stretch Northeastern general education</p>

<p>Umm its the internet, its not obvious that you are black I can’t see you lol. </p>

<p>And yes I think you have a pretty good chance.</p>

<p>Remember: getting in is one matter, getting scholarships to pay for the school is another.</p>

<p>However, there are plenty of institutions in the NE. Do your research - perhaps you can try looking at some smaller schools that will provide generous aid? Of course, this is only if you need it - if you can afford to pay full tuition and board for four years, then apply where you’d like. :)</p>

<p>I have a niece who had a 2.5 and not much other than one sport which she was kind of good at. She got into several small schools. Catholic small colleges were particularly welcoming as usually they do try and give a faith based education to all who want one. She is black but that was not the deciding factor. My white neighor’s son barely had a 2.3 and was a bit of a wise guy kind of kid. He did play sports, but was no star. He too got into 2 small Catholic schools.
Belmont Abbey College in NC and Aquinas College in MI are the two I speak of where they ended up going and doing okay.
So yes, you can get into college. No worries.