If I don't get into NYU, I'm not going to college.

<p>...well, I guess I am exaggerating a bit. But, NYU is my dream school!</p>

<p>I just finished my junior year in High school now and I have around a 3.25 (or 3.3) GPA UW, currently. I know it's low, but I won't waste your time with some lousy excuse. But, by the time my high school career is over, I will have taken around 8 AP classes and an infinite number of honors courses. Also, I have taken french for five years. I have done pretty well on my PSATs and I took the SAT cold and got a 1770. I've been taking classes and have gotten around a 2000 +. I know I can do it because I am very determined. Do you think I can get into NYU, VCU, BU, Barnard College (in NY). Or any others in NY/VA with:</p>

<p>-3 College Credits from the Sorbonne University in Paris
-Student Ambassador Award/People to People Student Ambassador
-Created a Model UN at my school
-Dance since I was 6
-Volunteered for 4 summers in a row in a village in Tanzania, Africa
-Part of the Key Club
-Internship for a Senator next year
-Volunteer ever saturday to tutor kids
-Tooooo many volunteer hours to count (but I will eventually) over 400.
-Next year I will intern for a US Senator
-Staff writer for my school newspaper for 3 years
-Fashion Editor of newspaper
-Formed a newspaper at an orphanage
-Co-founder of a Maasai women organization
-Freshman Coordinator for Students Against Global Abuse
-VP for Key Club
-VP for SAGA
-VP for Interact
-2 school musicals
-And more...</p>

<p>Also, getting reccommendations will be super easy because I am pretty friendly with all of my teachers and the faculty at my school (security guards, guadiance counselors, etc).</p>

<p>Can you please give me a list of schools that I could probably get into with any tips? Thanks!</p>

<p>I guess ethnicity comes into play: I am African American.
Also, I want to major in Communications/Journalism.</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>nyu is a reach with your gpa if you bring your sat up to maybe 2100 u definitely have a much better chance
BU isnt that hard to get into so its only a slight reach
just do well in ur first semester of senior year and write an amazing essay</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump.</p>

<p>Your rank is probably more important than the gpa. How do you compare to your peers? How did you do in the AP classes? You say you will have taken 8 by the time you finish, but the colleges will only see the grades for those taken up to your junior year.</p>

<p>In general, NYU is a very competitive college. Definitely not easy to get into. They’ll have plenty of applicants with grades higher than yours, so you’ll need to shine in other ways. Compare your stats with their 2010 incoming class to get a better idea of your chances.</p>

<p>Your numbers and scores make many of your listed schools very reachy. Barnard isn’t happening.</p>


<p>given your major, it would be especially unwise to accrue massive debt by going to NYU.</p>

<p>To emphasize what IBfootballer said, NYU is notoriously bad with financial aid. If you have financial need, you should probably not be planning on attending NYU. There are several threads on CC about financial aid at NYU and students who have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt going there. So, if you need financial aid, make sure you have plenty of schools on your list that will demonstrated need. NYU is unlikely to do so.</p>

<p>Tanzania? Paris? Should we assume money is not an issue?</p>

<p>@IBFootballer : Seriously?? From what I’ve read, I thought NYU did. Wow. Do you attend NYU?</p>

<p>Yes to NYU not providing financial aid. They have a reputation for admitting students with great financial need and then not providing them with squat. Unless the applicant has the good sense to walk away they end up amassing huge amounts of debt.</p>

<p>OP, If you are from Virginia why not apply to UVA, VA Tech, or William and Mary? You will be able to graduate from any of these schools and obtain a Phd for less that the cost of obtaining a BA from NYU.</p>

<p>This person’s dream school was NYU, but if the reality didn’t live up to her dream.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/1000156-i-hate-college.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/1000156-i-hate-college.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Proud3894…with a 3.25 UW and 1770 SAT, UVA is NOT possible.</p>

<p>Seeing all this students info, I think UVA is possible. However, she has to compare herself to the other students applying to UVA that are African Americans. Not only is she competing against all the students, but also the students of her race due to the limiting number of spots available.</p>

<p>hey everyone i came across this thread, i’m from outside the US, and i was wondering, how does the OP’s race come into play? So what if she’s african american? What does that have to do with being admitted?</p>

<p>Hi cecilia87.
I’ll try to answer your question:
A lot of colleges/universitues are all about statistics and so, like to have a large minority population. Therefore, if you are say, aa , you have a slightly better chance at getting in.</p>