Can I get into Columbia, UPENN Wharton, Harvard, or Yale?

<p>I am a junior in high school. </p>

<p>I am in a magnet high school program that focuses on Medicine and is highly selective and you must test to get in.</p>

<p>I am in the top 2% and rank 6/372.</p>

<p>I have taken 3 AP's so far (Biology, Statistics, and Chemistry) and got a 5 on both Biology and Statistics but got a 4 on chemistry. However, I took the Chemistry SAT2 and got a 790. I am taking 3 more APs this year.</p>

<p>I recently took the SATs. I scored a 790 in math, a 740 in English, and a 710 in Grammar, so I got a 1530/1600 and a 2240/2400. I know for sure I could do better on the grammar, so do you think I should retake the SATs, or is there no point?</p>

<p>As for extracurriculars, I attend the Columbia University Science Honors Program, which is highly selective and you need to test into it. I am President and Founder of Freehold Model United Nations and I also have a state-wide position in YMCA Model UN as the Chairman of the General Assembly. I am also President of Junior Statesmen of America (JSA) in my school. I play varsity golf as well and am a recipient of the Congressional Award Gold Medal. </p>

<p>I volunteer at the local hospital in the Emergency Room on Sundays and am CPR and First Aid Certified, and I have already volunteered more than 400 hours. I also play piano and take salsa dance lessons in my free time. </p>

<p>I also founded the Diabetes Walk Team in the Medical Careers Club in my school and have served as team captain for the past two years and have singlehandedly raised more than $1000 each year and have won two awards for my efforts. </p>

<p>My biggest work is done in the field of research. I work in a lab with a distinguished professor at CUNY: Staten Island College and am working on my own original project studying the effects of tau proteins in alzheimer's disease.</p>

<p>Yes, I do a lot, but you guys should see the other kids in my school, they are equally talented and in todays day and age we must do all we can to compete. Please let me know your thoughts, if I am a little too spaced out with my interests, if I have a good chance at those two schools, and if I should retake the SATs. </p>

<p>I was pretty sure I could get into Yale or Harvard, but as of today when I found out my SATs, I am really upset and don't think I have a chance of getting in anymore. Please let me know your thoughts if I have any shot of getting in to Harvard or Yale?</p>

<p>Please let me know as soon as possible! I really need your opinion as I am considering signing up for the March SAT!!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much guys, sorry for the length!</p>

<p>yeah, i’d say you have a very good chance, but there’s always the luck factor too, with schools like Harvard. Your sat score is amazing, obviously…</p>

<p>No unhooked candidate has a very good chance but you’re a realistic candidate.</p>

<p>do you think I should retake the SAT? I think i could do better on writing but I don’t know how much that section really counts. Do you think Its worth it for me to retake it or no?</p>

I saw your post on Yahoo! Answers. I’m the one who suggested “ or guidance counselors” etc.</p>

<p>As for the question, you have a substantially high chance. It’s not guaranteed, but you definitely have a hook. A strong interview and recommendations to tip it off and I’m sure you’ll make it to one of those Ivies.</p>

<p>haha thank you so much for the advice and great idea to go to</p>


<p>I am open to more advice please comment some more people!!!</p>

<p>You are certainly a well-qualified applicant with definite chances, but like everyone says chances to the Ivy’s/Top Ranked Schools are very hard/impossible to predict. Keep up the good work, and good luck! :)</p>

<p>You have a really good SAT score; you could retake it you don’t have much to lose as you can chose which score you send. Most people usually do better their second,third time around! Good luck I’m sure you have really good chances! If you do not mind me asking what ethnicity are you?</p>

<p>Way to revive a 2 year old thread…</p>

<p>haha so true! my mistake. although y bother even commenting on it if you already knew that…cuz u a *****</p>