Can I get into these colleges?

<p>I am a junior in high school and am looking to apply to George Washington University, New York University, Boston University, and Northeastern University.
My gpa: 3.4
ACT score: 30
Extra curricular activities:
Member of the Environmental Club
Writer for the school newspaper
competing in the Com Ed engineering challenge
member of the book club
Played freshman football
50+ hours of community service(organized one project myself)
Multi-Lingual (English, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew)
My writing has been published in school publications and in Teen ink magazine
I work as a camp counselor during the summer
AP classes I am taking/will take:
AP English Three
AP English Four
AP Government and Politics
AP Environmental Science
AP Music Theory
AP Art History</p>

<p>What are my chances? Please give me feedback and constructive criticism.</p>

<p>Additional Details
On a side note, I play guitar, piano, and bass. I am very musical and I am not sure if this will make a difference, but I figured I would add it.
Also, I am going to be an editor for my school's newspaper during my senior year.
My gpa does not reflect my best effort because during freshman and sophomore year I did not try my hardest. I am a very smart person, but was very lazy during those first two years. I am trying very hard to make up for the lost ground.</p>

<p>The only problem with your ec’s is that I don’t see any passion in any discipline. They seem to be mixed between science/language arts which isn’t bad, but you need to show passion for some activity or another to stand out. </p>

<p>GW and NYU will be tough to get into, but I think that BU and Northeastern are matches for your profile</p>

<p>A 3.4 for GW and NYU is certainly a little low for those two schools. Truth be told, it’s a little low for Boston University and Northeastern as well. Those schools typically look for around a 3.6 gpa. Your extra curricular activities obviously play in your favor (along with your ACT score), but as I have seen with some of the bigger schools, they focus a lot on your grades and standardized tests scores. I wouldn’t say that Boston University and Northeastern are out of your reach, same with GW and NYU, but don’t be discouraged if you get wait listed/deferred/denied. As I have learned, always have a back-up plan. Keep up your grades for the rest of the year, and you can probably get your GPA in a good place where you can get accepted to one of those schools :smiley: Good luck!!</p>

<p>I would say BU and Northeastern will be easier for you, then NYU, and then GW. Its a good mix of schools though. I think you have great EC’s (although a little scattered), and the GPA is a little low. But if you keep working hard, you can bring that up and the schools will be impressed. Good luck :)</p>

<p>Chance me?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I definitely think you have good chances at all of those schools. Keep up the good work.
Best of Luck to you!</p>

<p>chance me back please!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you have a decent chance on all of them but NYU might be a slight reach for you as well as Northeastern. What were your AP scores?</p>

<p>Chance me back!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>AP scores do not really play a major role in the admissions process.
However, considering that your GPA is certainly a bit low for your schools, it could be a reach.</p>

<p>If GW is your first choice, apply early. That would improve your odds- I think you’d get in ED.</p>

<p>Got into NYU Early decision but had to decline the offer because of lack of financial aid. I certainly was happy that I got in though.</p>