Hi! I’m a white female trying to figure out my chances of getting into UT Austin McCombs Business:
- I am ranked 34 out of my class of a little under 580 I think, so basically upper end of 5%- within the in-state 6% barely
- GPA is 98.2%
- 32 ACT score
- I am varsity cheer captain, VP of NHS, President of SNHS and Spanish Club, and am involved in Student council, junior world affairs council, a school-oriented service league and Young Life
- Outisde of school I am in Girl Scouts and National Charity League doing about 250+ hours in my high school life
- I have worked the past two summers as a lifeguard
- AP tests: Human Geo(4), WHAP(4), U.S History(3), English(4), Psychology(5), Spanish Language(3), and this year I’m taking Statistics and Macroeconomics which I expect to do well on
-Will do a Marketing/PR related internship during Spring semester of senior year at a company which is namesake of the PR/Advertising School in Moody, but don’t know if that will help me for McCombs - I hope to write a good essay but I am not banking on it to make/break my admissions
- My teacher recs will be good, but probably not superb by any means.