Can I get some input on my chances (Cornell, UC-Davis, and a few more)?

<p>Alright so I just got my first SAT scores in, they're not spectacular but I suppose they're good. Anyways, here's my info.</p>

• Texas resident.
• Hispanic/German Ethnicity
• Home-schooled 5th-9th grade (Not sure if that matters)</p>

• Class rank: 48/520
• Unweighted GPA: 3.6333
• 12.2/18 Weighted (dumbest scale, can convert later if needed)
Here is the scale if it helps any: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
• 90.6 Numeric GPA
• PSAT 207
70 Reading
65 Math
720 Writing
• 1990 SAT
690 Reading
650 Math
650 Writing
• JROTC Superior Cadet
• 3 on AP World History exam (w/out taking the class)
• Expecting a 3 or 4 on the APUSH exam
• Expecting a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language and Composition Exam</p>

• National Honor Society
• Altar Server at Church 7 years
• Columbian Squires (international male Catholic youth group, essentially junior Knights of Columbus):
Membership Chairman 3yr
Chief Squire 2yr
State of Texas Deputy Chief Squire 1yr
• 4-H
Vice President of club 1yr
President 2yrs
County Ambassador 1yr
• Church missionary/service group
Member 2yrs, traveled to Cambodia for two weeks and volunteered at an orphanage for children with HIV/AIDS
• JROTC Drill Team block member
• JROTC Platoon Leader of Alpha Company</p>

<p>Hopefully that's enough information, if not I'll be happy to provide anything else that will help that I have not listed. Advice for how to improve is also appreciated!</p>

<p>So now for the schools:
Cornell University
University of California Davis
Colorado State University
North Carolina State University
Ohio State University
University of Pennsylvania
Texas A&M - College Station</p>

<p>Cornell: Reach
Colorado State: Safety
NCSU: Match (not quite as protectionistic as UNC-CH but still protectionistic)
UCD: Match (can you pay full-freight?)
OSU: Low match
UPenn: Reach
TAMU: Safety (top 10% rule)</p>