Can I jump my score by June?

I am a junior in high school and really haven’t spent much time preparing for the ACT. I have bought and read The ACT For Bad Test Takers off of amazon. And i have done 1 practice test at home. When I took the practice at school these were my scores.
English: 23
Reading: 15
Math: 20
Science: 22
Comp: 20
I plan on taking the writing portion when I take the real ACT in June. I am a very good student and am in AP classes. I am generally a bad test taker, and a lot of my problems are time related. Can I jump to a 26? This is my goal score. This is ideal for me. My GPA is 3.6. I plan on attending a private school! Thank you.

Oh yes, you can get to a 26 with prep. Do not worry.

I am not familiar with the book you bought, but it will not hurt to review it.

Practicing with real ACT tests is the best way to prep. You must time yourself and then review what you got wrong.
I would start with reading. Many of the skills from that section cross over to the others.

The best way to study for the ACT is to practice with REAL ACT tests. The 3rd edition of the Real ACT Book (Red Book) has 5 tests to get you started. They are old, but you will get a feel for most of the concepts. Then move on to released tests from 2013/2014/2015.

TIME each practice session to simulate the real test.

English 75 questions in 45 min.
Math 60 questions in 60 min.
Reading 40 questions in 35 min.
Science 40 questions in 35 min

Score your test, and then review only what you got WRONG after each practice session.

I suggest the following schedule:

Take 1 section each week night/with review for 4 nights/week.

Twice per month on a Saturday or Sunday take a full ACT test/with review.

Track your progress!

Here is a detailed sample schedule to get started, modify it to meet your needs:

Mon: English section with review

Tues: Math section with review

Wed:. Reading Section with review

Thu. Off

Fri: Science Section with review

Sat: FULL ACT with review

Sun: Off

Thank you so much! :slight_smile: