Can I negotioate financial aid?

I have received a $23k grant from Villanova University and received only 17k from Miami. I have also been accepted by the university of Michigan but I haven’t received an aid package yet. I could go to my state school (Oregon) for cheap.

Does Miami ever negotiate aid? If so, how should I approach this?

My stats if it makes a difference are:
1440 SAT
3.85 GPA UW
Taken every ap class my school provides (6 total)
4 year varsity basketball, 3 year varsity cross country
Lots of community service hours
I did not receive any merit scholarships

@banjoel Nope. I only received 13k and I received more money from schools that were cheaper to begin with. We asked for more money and they said the amount they give at the time of admission cannot be changed and they won’t redistribute money even after people decline their offers. I think this is ridiculous considering it costs almost 70k to go to this school. How do you expect the average family to pay for that. I don’t understand why they bother accepting people they know can’t afford this school. Either way, what major are you planning on going into? If you have to go to grad school I would save on undergrad and go with Oregon.

Also understand, that, your NEED is what they determine from their Institutional method of calculating.

Your need at one school will likely be different from you need Miami - even if the COA is the same.