Can I really get into a top school? Help Appreciated!

<p>EDIT: Really sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum!</p>

<p>Hey guys! I was looking for a place for advice, and I think I've finally settled on these forums :P</p>

<p>OK, well, this is my junior year, and I've been receiving a lot of college information recently. I've gotten letters and emails from Notre Dame, Columbia, Wash U in STL, U of Miami, Washington + Lee, U of Chicago...the list goes on. I didn't really think my grades were good enough, but now I'm getting my hopes up.</p>

<p>I'm a caucasian male (17 years old), and I don't know if this matters, but my parents are divorced and I live with my mother.</p>

<p>My GPA, unweighted is around a 3.65 for all three years so far, with two quarters left in my junior year. Weighted it will be a lot higher, probably over or around a 4.5 (I take all-honors classes).</p>

<p>My courses this year are: AP US, Wind Ensemble, PreCalc Honors, Concert Choir, College French, Physics Honors, AP Language/Composition</p>

<p>My courses next year are: Wind Ensemble, Concert Choir, AP Statistics, AP Gov, AP Macroeconomics, Music Theory, AP Psychology, AP Language/Composition</p>

<p>I haven't taken the SAT's yet (or ACT's), but I plan on taking both later this spring. I took the PSAT's both this year and last year. This year I believe I was in the 96th percentile overall; I was in the 98th percentile for math. That's ironic considering HS Math has been my weakest subject! While I realize these mean nothing to colleges, they give me a good feel as to how I'll do on the SAT's. I'm hoping to get around a 2200.</p>

<p>I plan on applying for NHS at the end of this year.</p>

<p>As far as extracurriculars go, I am involved in the following:</p>

<li>Wind Ensemble (one of the best in the state)</li>
<li>Concert Choir (Treasurer)</li>
<li>All-County for both band and choir</li>
<li>Area All-State for Choir</li>
<li>Varsity Volleyball</li>
<li>Varsity Tennis</li>
<li>Jazz Ensemble</li>
<li>Madrigals (select singing group)</li>

<p>Next year I plan on doing mock trial.</p>

<p>My official job title is a freelance writer for The Buffalo News. Writing has always been a passion of mine.</p>

<p>I intend on majoring in Political Science, with aspirations of becoming a politician someday. I want to change the world. Other possibilities include journalism and psychology.</p>

<p>So, my question to all of you is...what are my chances of getting into a top school like Georgetown or Columbia?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Chances may not be as high as other students with a unweighted of a 4.0, but I think it’s still possible to get into a Ivy League, just not that likely. Though I think your chances are decent getting into many schools ranked in top 100.</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick response!</p>

<p>Also, is there anything I can do at this point to maximize my chances? My courses for next year have already been selected, but how about EC’s?</p>

<p>Does your schol offer many APs? If it does, you look light on them. And while you have several next year, top college would hope to see AP calc. Hopefully you’ll also take the AP French test.</p>

<p>Rank is important. For Columbia you should be very near the top of your class. Georgetown and ND look more probable as realistic reaches.</p>

<p>I would say, try to countinue throughout your highschool years strong in the ec’s you have now. If you really would like to join more clubs etc… find those of your interest and try not to let it interfer with the ec’s you have been doing.</p>

<p>I don’t think your light on Ap’s, but I would suggest Ap Calculus.</p>

<p>It’s too late to switch courses now (I think), but I’ll see what I can do.</p>

<p>Would AP Calc really look that much better than AP Stats?</p>

<p>Yes, it would be a huge difference. Taking high calc (especially AP) is one of the best ways you can show you take a strong schedule.</p>

<p>Some colleges even show % of students that take it in HS on their website.</p>