Can I still get into good universities (UC schools, Stanford, etc.)?

Can I still get into good universities (UC schools, Stanford, etc.) if my freshman grades were really bad but my sophomore, junior, and senior grades are outstanding? I did really bad in freshman year because I was going through a really tough time with family at that period but I got better soon and my grades have been so much better now. So please let me know if it’s possible to still get into good colleges such as these.

Stanford is highly unlikely but, with a 5% acceptance rate it was unlikely before you started high school. For the UCs, of course you can - their primary focus is on grades earned in 10 and 11. Just be aware that GPA is the biggest factor at UCs - so take classes you can Ace…and keep your GPA high. An A in Algebra 2, is better than a C in AP Calc.

Also, broaden your perspective, there are a lot of great schools that are a lot more accessible than UCs or Stanford.

Do your best and there will be plenty of education options for you in a few years.

Thank you so much for your quick response, I will definitely consider other options besides the U.C schools.