Can I still possibly change my major?

<p>Hey all, I'm a recently admitted transfer student who just began the Fall quarter yesterday. I'm a philosophy major thinking about changing my major to English. Is it possible in anyway?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it is. You should go to the philosophy department and ask how to go about changing your major. Its usually a simple process that requires you to fill out a little form and if you meet the restrictions, you will get your major changed most of the time. I changed my major in college 4 times (all sciences though) and it took less than 10 minutes each time.</p>

<p>You can change it to any non-impacted major. You can also switch to English or History.</p>

<p>just talk to the counselor(s) for the English department. they’re usually more than helpful.</p>

<p>Thanks a ton you guys. I just needed some re-assurance since I thought we only had summer orientation to change our major. So on Monday, should I just go speak to the english dept advisor? Unfortunately I only have 1 of the 3 pre-reqs completed for English, could this be a major set-back?</p>

<p>Again, thanks.</p>

<p>I would definitely recommend talking to the department since often switching majors after having transferred tends to be more difficult. It has to do with having prereqs completed (or not) and having already taken a certain number of units as most transfers are third years and above. Don’t wanna say it’s impossible though as some majors have less requirements than others - good luck!</p>

<p>definitely go for it!</p>

<p>Thank you again guys. My current major requires 13 courses while English has like 10 required courses…I need to take about 2 pre-reqs though. Do you guys think I can still be okay?</p>