Can I take the SATs again?

<p>I'm currently enrolled as a freshman at Suffolk University, Boston. I plan to transfer next year, to a better school, but my SAT scores aren't really great...I've heard that you can take them again even after being enrolled in college. Is it true? And would a school like Cornell accept those scores??</p>

<p>Oh, and I’ve taken the SATs just once. I haven’t taken the SAT-II’s because my college did not need them.
Here’s a list of colleges I’m planning to apply to-
University of Chicago</p>

<p>Wondering the same thing…from what I hear it depends on the college. Some will allow it while others won’t.</p>

<p>^, Yes , you are right. Some U dont matter while some U state clearly that SAT took during college years would not be taken into consideration</p>

<p>Yes. It depends on the college. Check the website under Transfer Admissions for any schools of interest.</p>

<p>Would that type of information be found on the college’s website or would you just have to call/email the admission’s office?</p>

<p>Usually you can find it on the website. Sometimes the wording is a little unclear and you may need to call. Don’t hesitate to call if the site is not clear.</p>

<p>Just email or call, they will be happy to answer. </p>

<p>Usually the info is under the requirements - Standardized Test Scores</p>

<p>Cornell doesn’t require transfers to take SAT, but you may submit your scores if you want. Chicago requires SAT I, but not subjects.</p>

<p>I called U.Penn and they said that they do not recommend retaking them.</p>

<p>Yeah, I asked Penn the same thing, and that’s what they told me. I mean, if you improve by even a few hundred points, it’s only understandable, since you’re in college. However, if you drop lower, it’ll work against you.</p>