<p>Definitely possible !!</p>
<p>Thats exactly what i did. I hate CC and i busted my butt off senior year of highschool and first year of college ( I applied fall of my first semester in CC ) and am just getting decisions.
Also, keep in mind im a biochem / prechem major. </p>
<p>So far my admissions status is ive been accepted 2 for 2 . i have 4 more to hear from still but most are end of april/may and USC (june, which is really annoying since you have to give the UC’s a decision by June 1st.
<p>So far, you are WAY more qualified than I was when I applied and I still got in. I DID, bust my A** of LITERALLY. Fall i was taking 21 units, winter intersession ( both bio anc calc 1 ) 10 units , and this spring ( right now ) im at a whopping 25 units. Its stressful, manageable, but still worth gettting out of CC. my passing grade in just 4 AP courses ( stats, enviro, art history, and lit) counted for appx 30 units ( and thats already half ) and you have MUCH more than that. My stats class didnt even matter anyways since im biochem and I have to do all the way to differentiable equations anyway. </p>
<p>Point blank : You can do it, its definitely possible. and one more thing : DO NOT LISTEN TO COLLEGE COUNSELORS ( they want you to stay there, and CC is a trap). Most people stay for longer than 2 years because theyre told you can transfer in 2 years no matter what ( and they dont have ANY prerequisites for the lower division classes). Pre reqs are the biggest pain, and keep you in the CC longer. Make sure you look at Assist.org (this webstie is better than ANY college counselor at a CC). If you want to go to berkeley, put your major and school your coming from into assist and itll give you EXACTLY what you need to transfer . SInce you want to attend “extremely selective schools,” make sure you know each ones extremely selective requirements.Each school is different i.e. for USC even though I’m a bicohem major, they make you take weird general Ed courses, such as chicano studies. Make a spread sheet if you need to. Plan out exactly which course you need to take in that one year to transfer successfully (itll tell you on assist.)-> this takes time, sit down for a day and do this, do your research on all schools planning to attend. Also, keep your priorities in mind (if your top choice is UCB, do the requirements most needed from their first, or ones that coincide with the prereqs of diff colleges).</p>
<p>Main req’s : is 60-90 units ( closer to 90 would be more competitive, but youre not too far off). keep in mind these are ALL the major prereqs. they dont ALL need to be completed to transfer. (I know for UCLA its only 6, if you go on the website for berkeley transfer, they say the exact amount of those). of cpurse good grades ( i have a 3.8 , straight A’s and one C in a 5 unit course) and EC’s and a bomb personal statement and youll for sure get in. </p>
<p>Work hard, play hard. take fall, winter, and summer classes ( as much as you can handle) and make sure you know your major and courses you need to take. Do well in these courses and you will be absolutely fine. </p>
<p>I know this was an novel/spiel but I dont want anyone to have to suffer being in community college more than they need to. Its impossible to have a social life (especially when all your friends are off to real universities), the age gap is horrible, and having taken university courses ( alot of the time it doesnt prepare you). The only ONE good thing about CC is, is that their are some teachers who truly, truly care about each individual student, their success, and their education and i dont regret the one year I was at CC, but im glad to be out and getting on with my life in the Fall.</p>