<p>I am a junior in high school in California and I am trying to pass 3 or more ap exams before I graduate. I know that UCLA accepts ap credits as transfer units so if I pass APUSH, AP euro and AP comp, I will have 24 credits. I have taken honors and AP courses throughout high school and I don't want to have those efforts wasted if I end up in CC. I am planning on starting CC the summer that I graduate and I want to finish my 60 units by the up coming spring and I may take a college course my senior year. I dont want to do something crazy and unprobable. </p>
<p>So could I transfer to ucla in 1 year with ap credits and possibly 1 college course in high school?</p>
<p>It’s possible if you have the 60 units, they don’t care how long it takes you to gain those units just that you meet the requirements to transfer.</p>
<p>Let me explain the difference between quarter and semester units. If you attend a semester based CC, you will need to complete 60 semester units before you are able to transfer to a UC. In a semester system, AP tests count for a bout 5.3 units (2/3s the quarter amount). If you pass all three exams, you’ll have about 16 semester units completed. </p>
<p>By contrast, the quarter system CCs will require you to complete 90 quarter units before transferring. If you attend a quarter based CC, your three AP scores will amount to 24 units (8 units each). You will still need 66 quarter units to be eligible for transfer. </p>
<p>With your amount of AP units, transferring in 1 year is essentially out of the question. Settle down, take two years, make sure you complete your major prereqs and IGETC, and you’ll be fine. Your GPA will be higher as a result.</p>
<p>you better have all your major specific classes ready. usually courses are pre-reqs of each other. if you need a higher level course, it may be impossible to do it within one year if you don’t have the course done. example) you need calc 3. but it requires calc 1 and calc 2. For a semester system college, that requires 3 semesters. UCLA is very strict on finishing pre-reqs.</p>
<p>I just don’t want my efforts in high school to go to waste. I have a 3.16 cumulative gpa because I overloaded myself with difficult courses. My family has very high expectations. All my cousins went to UC’s and 2 went to stanford all out of high school. My low gpa is my own fault. If I start from a CC I will be a disappointment. The 1 year idea was just me trying to sugar coat going to CC</p>
<p>-You need 60 UC-transferable units minimum completed
-Start taking some classes now! Easy ones.
-You need to complete your GE + your major pre-reqs.</p>
<p>Transferring within 1-year–very unlikely. California budget system is in the crap-hole. Community college classes are being cut, reduced, and removed. Hundreds of students are going to compete against you to enroll in the class that is rarely available. But you are also given last registration priority because you are a new student.</p>
<p>It is what it is, but its not a waste because you will be better prepared for college. There’s always UCM
They take anyone.</p>
<p>Everyone’s “efforts” in high school go to waste when they go to college. Nobody is going to constantly award you for that honors chemistry class you took sophomore year. Your GPA is below average, and you don’t have many AP classes to show for it. Be glad that you still have a second chance.</p>
<p>i go to a top 15 us news ranked university and i’m leaving this year and probably going to cc because i hate it so much here and i want to go to a uc. you’d be surprised by the caliber of students at cc. it doesnt mean you “failed” if you go to cc… not by any stretch of the imagination. it simply means you save a boatload of money and then still get a fabulous degree from a fabulous school.</p>
<p>I don’t believe people high school efforts go to waste if they get into a good college. But mmsiphone iPhone is right its my own fault.</p>
<p>I also don’t like the idea of community college becaus I hear it’s really hard to get the classes you need to transfer, especially in California.</p>
<p>I completely agree. I’m transferring to UCLA this fall hopefully… i find out in a couple weeks. But community colleges are really crowded. If you need to take specific classes. I say good luck getting into them. I’ve been at a CC for three years because its hard to get into the classes I want. This semester I’m going to 3 different colleges within the Los Angeles community college district, just to meet my requirements before I transfer. If you have the option of going to a 4 year school I would take it because you’re just gonna end up wasting a year like me. Now its going to take me 5 years years to get my undergraduate degree instead of 4. I am a neuroscience major though, so there are tons of pre-reqs for my major.</p>
<p>It is sometimes hard to get classes you want, but as you accumulate more units you’ll move higher up in the sign up order. It’s the same thing at any UC/CSU, alot of the times you might not get the class you wanted.</p>
<p>Your time in high school is never “wasted” if you don’t get into college right out of high school. You have your high school diploma to show for it, which is sadly something that not everybody can say they have.</p>