<p>I'm dead serious. Very emotionally painful. See, I liked her BEFORE she got herself with a bf. Any takers on this?</p>
<p>Honestly, I’m going to go with no. How on earth is writing about a high school crush going to reveal your personality and best qualities to colleges? You should be writing about things you have achieved, experiences that you can recall as if you’re still there, people who have made positive impacts, quirks your ECs and recs won’t show. Don’t shortchange yourself by writing about someone else!</p>
<p>If you can write it effectively, I wouldn’t say no. I mean you aren’t supposed to write about shopping list of your qualities. “I’m smart. I’m cool. Did I mention I’m a National Merit Semi-Finalist.” I mean, I can kind of see where you could go with that topic that it could show a lot about yourself (not just the obvious things you would list) through that situation…Just make sure there is something substantial to write about. I agree with bobdylan4444’s comment; make sure you keep the central focus of the essay on yourself. =)</p>
<p>Maybe if you donated a kidney to her.</p>
<p>I think it could be pulled off, but just as easily it could go terribly wrong. Everyone has had a crush on someone they couldnt get in high school…and if you come off as whiny/annoying/emotionally immature, that’s huge points against you.</p>