Can my high SAT/stunning extracurriculars make up for my relatively poor GPA?

<p>So I basically screwed up my GPA big time (according to asian standards) and ended up getting about three Cs throughout my 10-11 timeframe. My unweighted GPA is currently at a 3.19 and my weighted UC GPA is at 3.47. However I received a 2070 on my SAT and I just retook it this saturday and I’m pretty sure that I surpassed the 2200 mark. I’ve also accumulated around 1000 hours of helping other kids out at my school (academic help) and have tons of other extracurriculars (sports, music, jobs and the like). I will be explaining my low grades truthfully in my essay (i definitely slacked off so I will be mentioning that, but my current 12th grade weighted GPA is a 4.33 because I really picked up my act this year). Do you think I’ll be able to make the cut at UC Davis, Irvine, and Santa Barbara with these stats? Thanks for your replies.</p>

Did you ever make it?