Can Purdue engineering lead into med school?

I’ve been told that Purdue engineering can’t lead into med school because the classes are really hard so the grades are too bad to be accepted. If I wanted to go to med school should I go IU instead?

D’s friend graduated from Purdue in biomedical engineering and is now at the top of his class at Indiana University medical school. Getting a 3.8 gpa in engineering at Purdue was no easy feat. The engineering curriculium is very difficult. You might be wise to consider IU instead. What would you major in at IU? Best of luck!

@mysmom at IU I would major in biology. Biomedical engineering then medical school was exactly what I was planning on doing… but now I’m not so sure. The financial aid is better at Purdue.

My friends family has two sons that went to med school with a bachelors in engineering from Purdue. Just remember no matter what the major is you will need a competitive gpa (3.7 or higher is best) so if you think you will have more success as a bio major I would highly consider that. Do keep in mind though that Purdue has a great biology program too! Good luck :smiley: