Can some chance me and help add up this Cal Poly GPA style

<p>I don’t really understand this Cal Poly GPA stuff so can someone help me out and also chance me</p>

<p>9th Grade
Spanish I (B,C)
Honors Algebra (B,B)
Honors English I (A,A)
Theology (A,A)
World History (B,A)
Art (B)</p>

<p>10th Grade
Spanish II (C,B)
Honors Geometry (B,B)
Honors English II (B,A)
Theology (A)
Speech (A)
Computers (B,A)
Biology (A,A)</p>

<p>11th Grade (just got these grades in)
Honors Pre-Calculus (B)
Chemistry (A)
Theology (A)
Honors English III (A)
A.P US His. (A)
Spanish III (A)</p>

National Honor Society
International Relations Club
Spanish Tutoring
Technology Club</p>

Football captain sophomore and senior year (just named a few eeks ago for next year)
75 hours community service</p>

<p>Projected 30 on the ACT</p>

<p>Applying for Biology for 2010</p>

<p>Thanks for the help, I have like a 3.9 weighted at my school (we don’t do unweighted)
Also we have few APs and my grading scale is 93-100 (I know it doesn’t matter)
I am also from Illinois as my name indicates lol</p>

<p>A-G Weighted GPA is a 3.76</p>

<p>Non A-G courses: Theology, Speech, Computers.</p>

<p>Maxed out at 8 extra honor credits.</p>

<p>Now the question is, is a 3.76 good enough to get me into Cal Poly’s College of Mathematics and Science for a biology major. What do you think, do I have a shot?</p>

<p>One other thing, how do I get scholarships from Cal Poly? Do they notify you when they send an acceptance letter or do I have to go out and apply for those seperately? Once again Happy New Year!!</p>