<p>I'm a senior in high school. I am a military brat and I have moved twice in high school. I attended high school in Cheyenne, Wyoming and am now back in Northern Virginia. I'm a resident of Wyoming, but I'll be graduating from Virginia so I don't know what that will mean for my application from a residency standpoint </p>
Public High School, 2400+ students, does not rank
Public High School, around 1200 students, in top 10% of class
GPA (After Junior Year):
UW: 3.905
W: 3.996</p>
<p>Test Scores:
Composite: 30
E: 33
M: 28
R: 33
S: 29
W: 8
SAT (probably will not submit):
CR: 640
M: 640
W: 640</p>
8th grade:
Algebra 1: A
Spanish 1: A-</p>
<p>Freshman year:
Honors English: B+
Honors World History: B+
Honors Biology: B
Geometry: A
Spanish 2: B+
Art: A
PE/Health: A</p>
<p>Sophomore year:
Honors English: A
AP World History: A
Chemistry: A
Algebra 2: A
Current Issues: A
Journalism: A
Spanish 3: A
PE/Health: A</p>
<p>Junior year:
AP Literature and Composition: A
AP US Government: A
Physics: A
College Algebra and Trigonometry: A
Spanish 4: A
Journalism: A
Accounting 1: A</p>
<p>I am currently taking AP Language and Composition, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, Honors US History, Economics and Personal Finance, Leadership, and Debate.</p>
<p>AP: World (3), Lit (3), Gov (3)</p>
Freshman/Junior Varsity Cheerleading (Grade 9, 7 hours per week/12 weeks per year)
Indoor Track and Field (Grades 9-11, 9 hours per week/12 weeks per year)
Outdoor Track and Field (Grades 9-11, 9 hours per week/12 weeks per year)
Cross Country (Grades 10-12, 9 hours per week/12 weeks per year)
Club Lacrosse (Grades 10-11, 7 hours per week/12 weeks per year)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Grade 9, 12, 1 hour per month/36 weeks per year)
Youth Group: Participated in ministry, and service (Grade 9, 12, 2 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
Handbells at (Grades 9, 12, 2.5 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
Choir (Grades 9, 12, 2 hour per week/36 weeks per year)
Volunteered at Wyoming Air National Guard: Helped out at parties for children whose parents were in the guard (Grades 10-11, about 5 hours twice a year)
Sewed pillows for the Pediatric Orthopedic center at the local hospital (Grades 10-11, about 2.5 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
Co-editor and staff writer for school's newspaper, The Lariat (Grades 10-11, 5 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
Junior Leadership : Learned about leadership and citizenship and met community leaders in Laramie County including leaders in education, government, and law enforcement (Grade 11, 7 hours a month)
Key Club President and Secretary: Helped organize and put on events to raise money for the American Cancer society and volunteered in the Cheyenne, Wyoming community (Grade 11, 2 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
Interact Club Secretary and Vice-President Elect for the 2014-2015 school year: Volunteered in the Cheyenne, Wyoming community (Grade 11, 2 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
We the People: Prepared and presented essays on the American government and were asked questions by a panel of judges (Grade 11, 5 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
National Honor Society (Grade 12, 36 weeks per year)
President-elect of Cheyenne Central’s Senior class for the 2014-2015 school year
Leadership: Helping to plan, organize, and put on events for the students and teachers at the school (Grade 12, 4 hours per week/36 weeks per year)
• Member of Teacher Outreach committee
Youth Leadership Summit: Participated in leadership and team building activities with youth whose parents served in the Air National Guard and Reserves, Summer, 2013
Wyoming Girls State, Summer, 2014, with special recognition for:
• Antelope City Council
• Nationalist Party Education Platform Committee Chairman
• Senate Chaplain
• Judge of the Circuit Court
• Outstanding Journalism Delegate
• Outstanding City Delegate</p>
Cavalier award for being a strong member of the freshman cheerleading team: 2011
Scholar Athlete Award for maintain a 3.5+ GPA while participating in Athletics: Fall 2011, Winter 2012, Spring 2012
Wyoming Air National Guard Youth of the Year for citizenship and community service: 2013
Varsity Letter in Academics: 2013, 2014
Varsity letter in lacrosse: 2013, 2014
Varsity letter in Key Club: 2014
Varsity letter in Interact Club: 2014
AP Scholar: 2014
• 1st place newspaper in state of Wyoming for 4A division: 2013
• 2nd place in editorial/columns category in state of Wyoming for 4A division: 2013
• 3rd place in layout category in state of Wyoming for 4A division: 2013
• Honorable Mention for feature category in state of Wyoming for 4A division: 2013
• Varsity letter in Journalism: 2013, 2014
• Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Award for maintaining a 3.5 GPA while writing for my school’s newspaper, The Lariat: 2012-2013, 2013-2014
We the People:
• 2nd place in state and district competitions for the state of Wyoming: 2014
• Certificate of Achievement for Wyoming We the People: 2014</p>
<p>I have applied to Tulane, The University of the South, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (legacy), University of Wyoming, University of Denver, and Colorado College. I am also going to apply to Vanderbilt. If you have any suggestions of other schools I would appreciate that as well. I am interested in premed, psychology, and biology. Thanks!</p>