Can someone please Chance an OOS Student?????

<p>I'm a senior from Maine. I got deferred from the last PSP deadline.
My Stats
GPA: Unweighted 88.5/100
I canceled my weighted GPA of 99 because I was able to cancel my class ranking, top 60%. My school was weird because since I transferred from a different school the dropped these two.</p>

CR: 590
M: 730
W: 500</p>

Captain of Football Team (12)
Football (9-12)
Track (10-11)
Baseball (9 and 12)
Tennis (11)
Science Club (11)
Worked 30 hr's a week during summer and 20 hrs. a week during school year
Volunteered 60 hrs. before senior year during summer</p>


<p>you should be fine. slight reach.</p>

<p>Does it help I Live in Maine?</p>


<p>My son has almost exactly the same scores as you. He was also involved in several ec’s. He has gone to states for wrestling, was involved in Mu Alpha Theta where he won a scholarship for a local university, spanish club, swim team, etc. I am unsure what his unweighted gpa is, but his weighted is 4.2, and he has taken around 9 ap classes. He applied Oct. 31st, I believe, so I don’t think he is eligible for psp. If he is, we haven’t heard anything. </p>

<p>He did receive his admission notice around Dec. 20th. We were thrilled because this was the school he really wanted. We live in FL and he was considering UCF because they have a program where they work in conjunction with Ga Tech. Oglethorpe in Atlanta has this as well, and they seem to give out nice scholarship packages. </p>

<p>I think you have a very good shot at getting in. Whether being oos makes a difference, I can’t say for sure, but it seems like it would be in your favor. Good luck!</p>