Can someone please Chance an OOS Student?????

<p>I'm a senior from Maine.
My Stats
GPA: Unweighted 88.5/100
I canceled my weighted GPA of 99 because I was able to cancel my class ranking, top 60%. My school was weird because since I transferred from a different school the dropped these two.</p>

CR: 590
M: 730
W: 500</p>

Captain of Football Team (12)
Football (9-12)
Track (10-11)
Baseball (9 and 12)
Tennis (11)
Science Club (11)
Worked 30 hr's a week during summer and 20 hrs. a week during school year
Volunteered 60 hrs. before senior year during summer</p>


<p>Why can’t people wait until late January like everybody else?</p>

<p>I can’t!!! I need to know</p>

<p>You will find out by February 1st.</p>

<p>I would say thought that CR is a little low (but total SAT brings it up to a good level) and just have to ask if you are not reporting the class rank of 60%?</p>

<p>dude U of Miami is private so out of state makes no difference</p>

<p>hr35hrn, </p>

<p>that is not true at all. Out of states actually tend to have an easier time getting into Miami as they want a lot of diversity and for Florida schools you need to be in the top 10% percentile with an average SAT of 1300-1350 at least. For out of state, you can be a little more of a mediocre student (top 15%, even top 20% with mid 1200 SATs minimum, sometimes high 1100s if u have good gpa and extracurriculars, though its all depends on each persons transcript). </p>

<p>An 88.5/100 is like a 3.45, I think. Long Island kids usually have a B+/ A- average for the most part. Your SATs are good. You have a chance man, hang in there</p>

<p>any more help?</p>

<p>Well, out of state status will definitely not hurt you seeing that it’s private.</p>

<p>Anyways, your stats match their averages more or less. There’s nothing to make you really stand out or know that you’re in for sure. It’ll just depend on chance, the stats of the pool of applicants, essay, etc. You’re definitely competent though. Good luck!</p>