<p>I never paid attention to Algebra when I took it and now I am seeing the after effects of it. I am severely behind my peers in terms of math skills and I used to be one of the best math kids and it is due to me not mastering algebra. I am taking Calc next year in which the lack of Algebra is what truly kills newcomers. Can someone recommend me an excellent Algebra book that will truly help me master simple Algebra rules. I currently have Barrons Math level 1 and 2, but I am not sure if they truly cover all the bases.</p>
<p>Okay it seems no one is responding, can someone atleast give me all the Algebra topics that I absolutely need to solidify to make calculus into a piece of cake?</p>
<p>Try Algebra DeMYSTiFieD. I’m using Pre-Calculus DeMYSTiFieD and it’s so helpful. Both books are written by the same lady so I would assume the Algebra book would be just as good. The DeMYSTiFieD series does a great job at summarizing what you need to know. It has all the material of a textbook but at a workbook size and price.</p>