<p>there seem to be some ‘ASUC campaign kickoffs’ starting up on facebook… SO EXCITED GUYS</p>
<p>that happens every year. pretty soon the people with the annoying picket signs start wandering around and handing out fliers to vote for this and that person and I just want to throw the damn things in their faces and laugh.</p>
<p>I must look like an *******, 'cause they never harass me.</p>
<p>How about you guys cut the lying and avoiding eye contact ******** and act like normal human beings? I mean how hard is it to say “no thanks”? If somebody follows you after that, then they totally deserve a “**** off”, but there’s no reason to just assume they’re going to be a jerk and pre-empt that. That makes YOU the *******.</p>
<p>lol cut the lying and act like normal human beings? I’d like to live in your world of no ********.</p>
<p>I wore shades today, helped loads. They’ve invaded Ramona’s this sem, with a vengeance.</p>
<p>Batman, is lying and bsing the way you normally behave if someone waves and asks how you’re doing? You’re just being a dick before the calpirg person has even done anything.</p>
<p>Haha at what theleakers said; a pretty hot chick near sather gate asked me (for the third time in 2 days) if i was interested, and i was genuinely[<–not sure if i spelled it correctly] in a hurry to get to my class so i said, “i’ll do it eventually(and i smiled)”. she said: "oh i see how it is (and then made a pig face at me as if i’m anti-union).</p>
<p>don’t think i’m going to do it now…</p>
<p>First I try a simple “No thanks.” If that doesn’t work, I’ll try again. But if the 2nd time doesn’t work, I’ll look them dead in the eye, give a sad face, and say “Dude, I just bombed a ******* midterm, so I just…<em>dramatic pause</em> I need a moment.” And USUALLY that works…unless they’re utter ******bags. </p>
<p>So what’s the moral? Just lie. If they don’t know you, who gives a flying ****? You pay money to go to this school to learn, not to be badgered. (Disclaimer: I’ve only done this ONCE in my Cal career after saying no thank you 3 times to someone haha…since I feel kind of guilty).</p>
<p>Actually I just found a method that works. I was just walking really fast to get to class and the little girl couldn’t keep up and I lost her mid-way into the convo.</p>
<p>Just say the following: “yeah, I pledged CALPIRG in my freshman year”. </p>
<p>That’s it. Simple.</p>
<p>Actually, it is. If a stranger (let’s say you) asks me how I’m doing, I’ll tell you I’m doing alright. I can have two midterms and a paper due the next day and be stressing out or have had the most perfect day, but I’ll still say I’m alright. You seem like a naive sort of person, so let me just say that not too many strangers genuinely care about how you are doing, especially if they are standing around Sproul with a clipboard.
And I think 2 pages full of personal experiences (including my own) with the badgering calpirg people are enough to warrant my “dick” behavior towards them.</p>
<p>No, dude, nothing warrants acting like a jerk towards someone who hasn’t done anything but wave and ask how your day is. And its really funny that you’re calling me naive, when you’re the one sporting this immature attitude of “they’re all out get me so I better get them FIRST.”</p>
<p>^^ someone must be in CalPIRG from looking at the amount of defense. everybody get him!</p>
<p>(on a related note, if you are from CalPIRG-when is your office open in eshleman? i swear it is always closed when i try to go…)</p>
<p>It’s perfectly acceptable to keep on walking and politely but firmly let them know you are not interested. If they tag along, just repeat yourself once and if they still don’t get it, you are free to ignore their unsolicited spiel as they aren’t exactly demonstrating respect either.</p>
<p>The best strategy is to avoid eye contact and keep yourself looking busy, either fiddling with your phone or reading a sheet of paper. They won’t approach you, you won’t need to tell them to go away, and everyone is happy.</p>
<p>I just usually tell them that I’m really in a time crunch and will speak to one of them when I have the time. Issue is, if I’m between two places on-campus, I’m always “in a time crunch.” ;)</p>
<p>Once that has been said, I think it affords me the right to completely tune out without being impolite.</p>
<p>That’s exactly what you all are. All the CALPIRG interns want to do is keep working on things that they are passionate about and have the resources to do so at a bigger level on campus and in the places where decisions are being made; in the capitals. CALPIRG used to be funded by 90% of the campus until the Pesticide companies screwed them over and took away their funding system. Now they have to get their peers like you to care about real issues instead of Jersey Shore or the Bachelor. Quit being *** Hats! And don’t say you hate CALPIRG if you’ve never taken the one minute to listen to what they are about.</p>
<p>I went to their website and I still hate them.</p>
<p>Does this still make me an asshat? Y/N?</p>
<p>We have no obligation to care or listen to what your club does. Nobody likes being solicited for money.</p>
<p>^^ agreed if the CALPIRG students feel so strongly, why arent they pledging more of their own money-since they are the ones with the “passion”. it shouldnt ultimately matter whether we give our money or they give their own…</p>